The Silver Bullet is Called Out

The Silver Bullet is Called Out

I am indeed getting closer to allowing the complete flow of this story. This ‘idea’ I have now been living 24/7 for one full year is not just any other story.  This idea, I believe, may be the only effective weapon to truly transcend this present paradigm of fear.  To openly and honestly call out the central theme of our living … the be-all, end-all of what determines how we interact in the world (at present) … the strings of what has become so many puppet lives… the rules associated with the Almighty Dollar.

This idea has been created in my heart and brain, to significant extents, for approximately 30 years.  It is very well-developed & very clear in my mind.  Communicating it to others – knowing how different we all perceive ‘reality’ to be – has been the greatest challenge of my life thus far.   However, I have now gained the awareness of the fact that I am making it more difficult by not trusting what is guiding me.  By doubting the Truth I believe I know.  By trying to dance around my idea for purposes of being polite.  Because while my ultimate intention is to be the light, live the light, and spread the light, I no longer can deny the role of shining the light.  Onto what am I meant to shine this enormous, loving light that is me?  That has been my riddle for the past 14 months.  And I have found the answer while back here in my home in Seattle.

I’ve been making myself small for my entire life to make others around me more comfortable.  I cannot be my small self any longer. Speaking about money – as openly and with great detail – in the manner I am about to begin with my very REAL story – will likely cause a strong reaction in others – if and when others should learn of it.  I’ve allowed this to hold me back now for over 6 months.  I cannot be afraid a day longer of what I know I must do.

Now, I lose that fear.  Now, I really begin to talk about my story in the way I’ve wanted to from the beginning.  I thought I was ready then.  I know I am ready now.  I do believe this story has the potential to represent the Silver Bullet.  Deciding to play by just a few VERY different rules can and will change this world.  One individual at a time.  Beginning with me.

This is only one video of 13 from a session last month.  Click here for this entire work session playlist.

(Recorded as part of a longer work session on 9.28.13 in Sarasota, FL)