The Most Unique Business Plan Unveiled…

In Leaving Poverty Consciousness BehindI concluded with a pretty profound, far-reaching claim.  Stating that I believe I can teach any individual how to best pursue their full potential as a human being.  More specifically, that I can teach you how to maximize your energetic efficiency by way of your thoughts.  Of course, this is with the assumption that the student possesses the honest desire, the willingness to listen, and the readiness to do the work.  No small assumption. I assure you.  And how about the manner in which one will assess whether or not these pre-requisites have been met?  It is all about the energy.

Rather than being objective assessments, however, these “reads” on & between people are going to be much more subjective.  We have entered an entirely new level of interacting with one another.  There are at least two, very distinctly different “Games of Life” being played out in the world.  The Mainstream Game of the Present with its emotional base of fear and its belief foundation being one of limitations.  And the New Emerging Game that will be the mainstream game of the future.

This New Game has love as its emotional base and its foundational beliefs center around abundance and cooperation.  Players in this New Game understand that we get to co-create this New Earth reality.  Again, statistically, there are still very few players actually playing in this New Game.  But the reason is not because they aren’t hearing the call.  And it isn’t because they aren’t capable of playing the game either.  It is because they are still afraid to heed the call.

It’s like when the guys first learned of the “Field of Dreams” that Ray Kinsella built.  And I’m talking about the dead baseball players…not the living humans that eventually came to visit his Iowa field.  The word spread and more and more wanted to come play.  The word is going to spread about this New Game very, very quickly as a result of my company and everyone is going to want to play.  I am ready to teach anyone and everyone who is interested and prepared to learn how to play – no matter where, at present, they are in their life.  I’ll meet you anywhere in the river and help you turn your boat dofieldwnstream.  It doesn’t matter how far up you’ve gone or for how long you’ve been paddling upstream.  Once you begin traveling again with the flow, you will be amazed by life’s beauty & inspired to be more than you’ve ever been.

Exactly like the character of Ray Kinsella from Field of Dreams, I am only heeding the call that will not stop beckoning me.  And seeing how I’ve never been happier, I’ve never experienced so many of my dreams coming to fruition in such a short period of time, and seeing as I am indeed a ridiculously capable woman, how can I ignore the fact that this actually makes perfect sense?  As my life has continued to get more and more incredible, the voice has come more frequently, with a tone that is stronger, and words that grow clearer every day.  Additionally, there have been choirs recently assembling around me – tons of voices are now part of the call.  I will say again, this is much, much greater than me.

Then, I look at my life – my skills, my talents, my education, my intellect, my personality, my ability to communicate, my energy, my connections, my experiences, my adaptability, my creativity, my friends, my family, my immense capacity for love, and my 100% honest-to-goodness 30-year dream of changing the world and I’ve done what I can only logically do at this point.  I have accepted that the answer to whether or not I heed this call is undeniable.  I cannot ignore this – not this time.  I ignored it as a kid because I didn’t know any better and neither did anyone else in my life.  I ignored it as an adult because I had no belief of self worth – none.  Anytime I came remotely close to what my capabilities would have allowed me to achieve had I been able to escape my negative, self-defeating thoughts of never being good enough I flipped out in one way or another or I ran – literally & figuratively.  But now, I know better.  I have been tested and I am ready.

earthI have literally prepared my entire life for this moment.  This is the unveiling of a business plan unlike anything you have ever seen.  A business plan for a company that is based in the new paradigm but that will consciously be playing in BOTH Games of Life on Earth right now.  The awareness of & ability to play in both games is beyond any economic value you can possibly fathom.  How much so?   We shall see in the next 6 months.

Back to the fact that Mainstream Game and New Emerging Game are the two games I am identifying as both being played right now in 2013.  There are people around you 100% aware of this universal fact and there are people around you who are 100% unaware of this fact.  And there are people at every place in between each of these extremes.  Chances are, given the statistics, you have no idea what I am talking about at a conscious level.  And even in the remote chance that you are aware at some level consciously, chances are, based on human behavior, the majority of you are never going to admit this  Not yet, anyhow.

Why?  For fear of what others will think.  We fear what we don’t understand and many of you don’t understand what I am doing quite yet.  It is completely okay if you are feeling this – I felt it about myself for 35 years.  I didn’t understand myself until my healing time in MI and I was absolutely living my life in fear of that lack of understanding.  You will most certainly not be the first one to not understand me.  I can handle however you may feel as a result of what I am saying.  What you feel is what you feel and you NEVER have to apologize for your feelings.  Never.  So, no worries there.

However, if any of this has been resonating with you at any level…get ready.  This is VERY early in the game and I’m assembling my A-Team.  My Dream Team is already set – you will meet them via their talents/skills/personalities/experiences in just a few posts.  But, I’m ready for the next batch of projects to begin early development.  I’m recruiting my next team and their respective coaching staffs.  Keep reading for you will know when and how it is time for us to connect.

Now, back to the majority of my readers – who, by this time, may have already clicked away.  The majority of you are probably a bit lost, confused, uninterested perhaps, yet definitely intrigued.  You should be.  This is the best game out there.  There is no doubt.  This game calls for your best and rewards the BEST of every part of you.  Not just the ‘work’ part of you.  This new game values new things – TONS of new things!  It takes EVERYTHING into consideration – not just the limited factors of our present economic/societal models.  Anything and everything you value is going to be of worth and you get to decide it for yourself.  It will challenge you like nothing in your life has challenged you thus far.  Please try to stay with me.  Please.  Very soon, I will have visible proof for you folks for whom the words aren’t yet resonating.  You will be able to see what I mean very soon.  There is something in this process for you to be a fan of too.  It is coming in the upcoming blogs.

connectedWe are all meant to come together now.  ALL of us – with all of our uniqueness and with a belief that we all have different value – not better – not worse – just different value.  In this new Game, we have the opportunities to create new combinations of those who work together on projects.  We have the chance to do things in entirely new ways.  We have the advantage of technology and great wisdom present on this planet.  And we have the benefit of being able to learn from billions of unique life stories.

We can escape our bubbles and learn to trust again.  It really, really doesn’t have to be painful or scary or annoying or upsetting.  It may be those things at first because you are following belief patterns that don’t make you happy.  But until now, you didn’t know any better – just like I didn’t know any better.  But once you do…once you understand your immense power at making yourself happy you realize that you can learn how to make different belief patterns your new habits.  Belief patterns that will ensure your growth, happiness, and fulfillment.  Belief patterns that remove any and all limits from your present reality allowing you to achieve in your world like you never could dream.  Achieve in the way that is 100% unique to you while working with others who are doing the exact thing for themselves.  I guarantee you…this is a game you are going to want to learn more about, if nothing else.

The New Game isn’t about ego or about being better or being perfect anymore.  It is about recognizing your true power by following your heart.  If you have enjoyed tremendous success in this mainstream world, this New Game is going to be threatening to you.  Feel that because it is a very real feeling, but allow yourself to explore why you feel that way.  The world in which you have achieved “success” has steered you very far away from your own guidance system.  Hell, for everyone – whether you have achieved material success or not – this present paradigm has trained everyone away from their own abilities to know how to trust themselves.  Therefore it may be terrifying to even contemplate the sort of change of which I talk.  But trust me.  Until I can help guide you back to being able to trust yourself, trust me.  Rather, trust my energy.  There are infinite ways to begin to allow yourself to get familiar with this new Game.  And for now, just remember…it is ALL about the energy.  The unique energy that each of us possesses.

This is just the beginning and I promise that the posts are only going to get more exciting from here on out as I reveal ALL that is already in progress with my Dream Team.  I invite you to stay tuned…I don’t think you will regret the decision to become an early fan.

To be continued in a few hours (I hope)