The Most Unique Business Plan Unveiled…

In Leaving Poverty Consciousness BehindI concluded with a pretty profound, far-reaching claim.  Stating that I believe I can teach any individual how to best pursue their full potential as a human being.  More specifically, that I can teach you how to maximize your energetic efficiency by way of your thoughts.  Of course, this is with the assumption that the student possesses the honest desire, the willingness to listen, and the readiness to do the work.  No small assumption. I assure you.  And how about the manner in which one will assess whether or not these pre-requisites have been met?  It is all about the energy.

Rather than being objective assessments, however, these “reads” on & between people are going to be much more subjective.  We have entered an entirely new level of interacting with one another.  There are at least two, very distinctly different “Games of Life” being played out in the world.  The Mainstream Game of the Present with its emotional base of fear and its belief foundation being one of limitations.  And the New Emerging Game that will be the mainstream game of the future.

This New Game has love as its emotional base and its foundational beliefs center around abundance and cooperation.  Players in this New Game understand that we get to co-create this New Earth reality.  Again, statistically, there are still very few players actually playing in this New Game.  But the reason is not because they aren’t hearing the call.  And it isn’t because they aren’t capable of playing the game either.  It is because they are still afraid to heed the call.

It’s like when the guys first learned of the “Field of Dreams” that Ray Kinsella built.  And I’m talking about the dead baseball players…not the living humans that eventually came to visit his Iowa field.  The word spread and more and more wanted to come play.  The word is going to spread about this New Game very, very quickly as a result of my company and everyone is going to want to play.  I am ready to teach anyone and everyone who is interested and prepared to learn how to play – no matter where, at present, they are in their life.  I’ll meet you anywhere in the river and help you turn your boat dofieldwnstream.  It doesn’t matter how far up you’ve gone or for how long you’ve been paddling upstream.  Once you begin traveling again with the flow, you will be amazed by life’s beauty & inspired to be more than you’ve ever been.

Exactly like the character of Ray Kinsella from Field of Dreams, I am only heeding the call that will not stop beckoning me.  And seeing how I’ve never been happier, I’ve never experienced so many of my dreams coming to fruition in such a short period of time, and seeing as I am indeed a ridiculously capable woman, how can I ignore the fact that this actually makes perfect sense?  As my life has continued to get more and more incredible, the voice has come more frequently, with a tone that is stronger, and words that grow clearer every day.  Additionally, there have been choirs recently assembling around me – tons of voices are now part of the call.  I will say again, this is much, much greater than me.

Then, I look at my life – my skills, my talents, my education, my intellect, my personality, my ability to communicate, my energy, my connections, my experiences, my adaptability, my creativity, my friends, my family, my immense capacity for love, and my 100% honest-to-goodness 30-year dream of changing the world and I’ve done what I can only logically do at this point.  I have accepted that the answer to whether or not I heed this call is undeniable.  I cannot ignore this – not this time.  I ignored it as a kid because I didn’t know any better and neither did anyone else in my life.  I ignored it as an adult because I had no belief of self worth – none.  Anytime I came remotely close to what my capabilities would have allowed me to achieve had I been able to escape my negative, self-defeating thoughts of never being good enough I flipped out in one way or another or I ran – literally & figuratively.  But now, I know better.  I have been tested and I am ready.

earthI have literally prepared my entire life for this moment.  This is the unveiling of a business plan unlike anything you have ever seen.  A business plan for a company that is based in the new paradigm but that will consciously be playing in BOTH Games of Life on Earth right now.  The awareness of & ability to play in both games is beyond any economic value you can possibly fathom.  How much so?   We shall see in the next 6 months.

Back to the fact that Mainstream Game and New Emerging Game are the two games I am identifying as both being played right now in 2013.  There are people around you 100% aware of this universal fact and there are people around you who are 100% unaware of this fact.  And there are people at every place in between each of these extremes.  Chances are, given the statistics, you have no idea what I am talking about at a conscious level.  And even in the remote chance that you are aware at some level consciously, chances are, based on human behavior, the majority of you are never going to admit this  Not yet, anyhow.

Why?  For fear of what others will think.  We fear what we don’t understand and many of you don’t understand what I am doing quite yet.  It is completely okay if you are feeling this – I felt it about myself for 35 years.  I didn’t understand myself until my healing time in MI and I was absolutely living my life in fear of that lack of understanding.  You will most certainly not be the first one to not understand me.  I can handle however you may feel as a result of what I am saying.  What you feel is what you feel and you NEVER have to apologize for your feelings.  Never.  So, no worries there.

However, if any of this has been resonating with you at any level…get ready.  This is VERY early in the game and I’m assembling my A-Team.  My Dream Team is already set – you will meet them via their talents/skills/personalities/experiences in just a few posts.  But, I’m ready for the next batch of projects to begin early development.  I’m recruiting my next team and their respective coaching staffs.  Keep reading for you will know when and how it is time for us to connect.

Now, back to the majority of my readers – who, by this time, may have already clicked away.  The majority of you are probably a bit lost, confused, uninterested perhaps, yet definitely intrigued.  You should be.  This is the best game out there.  There is no doubt.  This game calls for your best and rewards the BEST of every part of you.  Not just the ‘work’ part of you.  This new game values new things – TONS of new things!  It takes EVERYTHING into consideration – not just the limited factors of our present economic/societal models.  Anything and everything you value is going to be of worth and you get to decide it for yourself.  It will challenge you like nothing in your life has challenged you thus far.  Please try to stay with me.  Please.  Very soon, I will have visible proof for you folks for whom the words aren’t yet resonating.  You will be able to see what I mean very soon.  There is something in this process for you to be a fan of too.  It is coming in the upcoming blogs.

connectedWe are all meant to come together now.  ALL of us – with all of our uniqueness and with a belief that we all have different value – not better – not worse – just different value.  In this new Game, we have the opportunities to create new combinations of those who work together on projects.  We have the chance to do things in entirely new ways.  We have the advantage of technology and great wisdom present on this planet.  And we have the benefit of being able to learn from billions of unique life stories.

We can escape our bubbles and learn to trust again.  It really, really doesn’t have to be painful or scary or annoying or upsetting.  It may be those things at first because you are following belief patterns that don’t make you happy.  But until now, you didn’t know any better – just like I didn’t know any better.  But once you do…once you understand your immense power at making yourself happy you realize that you can learn how to make different belief patterns your new habits.  Belief patterns that will ensure your growth, happiness, and fulfillment.  Belief patterns that remove any and all limits from your present reality allowing you to achieve in your world like you never could dream.  Achieve in the way that is 100% unique to you while working with others who are doing the exact thing for themselves.  I guarantee you…this is a game you are going to want to learn more about, if nothing else.

The New Game isn’t about ego or about being better or being perfect anymore.  It is about recognizing your true power by following your heart.  If you have enjoyed tremendous success in this mainstream world, this New Game is going to be threatening to you.  Feel that because it is a very real feeling, but allow yourself to explore why you feel that way.  The world in which you have achieved “success” has steered you very far away from your own guidance system.  Hell, for everyone – whether you have achieved material success or not – this present paradigm has trained everyone away from their own abilities to know how to trust themselves.  Therefore it may be terrifying to even contemplate the sort of change of which I talk.  But trust me.  Until I can help guide you back to being able to trust yourself, trust me.  Rather, trust my energy.  There are infinite ways to begin to allow yourself to get familiar with this new Game.  And for now, just remember…it is ALL about the energy.  The unique energy that each of us possesses.

This is just the beginning and I promise that the posts are only going to get more exciting from here on out as I reveal ALL that is already in progress with my Dream Team.  I invite you to stay tuned…I don’t think you will regret the decision to become an early fan.

To be continued in a few hours (I hope)

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Leaving Poverty Consciousness Behind

I will forever credit a new friend of mine with introducing me to this concept of “poverty consciousness”.  A notion of which I had no previous knowledge.  All I needed to do was hear the term and I knew that it somehow explained everything about my old story.  The following excerpt – taken from a random website ( absolutely confirms what I instinctively knew from the first moment I heard these words used together.  Jeanie Marshall explains this new-to-me term:

povery consciousness 2“By “poverty consciousness” I mean the set of attitudes and beliefs and feelings and values associated with material lack or fear of material lack. Poverty consciousness equals a belief in limitation, and almost always includes fear.  Poverty consciousness is not directly related to the amount of money one has.  Rather, it is the relationship to that money or to material possessions.  If you worry about not having enough money, you are in poverty consciousness.  If you believe there is not enough for everyone in the world, you operate from poverty consciousness.  One can live in conditions of poverty without necessarily living in poverty consciousness, which is a state of mind and heart. The amount of money or other material possessions is a matter of fact. One’s relationship to that amount is a matter of thoughts and feelings.”

Well, shit!  Prior to reading this I was thinking this belief pattern simply ran strong on both sides of my family, hence my immense burden of it.  But, our entire world economic system is operating with this as our underlying assumption.  No flippin’ wonder everything is so crazy out there.  Every single government, with the exception of perhaps that of Bhutan’s, is operating with the belief of limited EVERYTHING.  No country believes there is enough for everyone in the world.  If we did, we wouldn’t be fighting wars for resources.

I don’t want to focus on the world’s poverty consciousness, however.  I only want to focus on what I have control over – my own.  That is what was in part, triggered by my writings discussing the shortcomings of our present paradigm’s economic model.  I want to jump in and write about some of my old beliefs about money, wealth, employment, finances, and economics, which are all very closely related.

I also would ask that as you read, pay attention to the behaviors & emotions that became intricately tied to my beliefs about everything having to do with money.  At 35, my entire life had become a reflection of my beliefs – i.e my practiced thoughts.  Today, I can honestly say that my beliefs about money defined my entire existence more than ALL of my other beliefs put together.  And I had practiced my negative thoughts of money – EVERY aspect of money – for 30 years.  As you will see with the following story, there was very rarely a positive emotion tied to anything pertaining to money.  I had no chance of creating a life anywhere near happy, let alone one of my dreams.  No chance because all of my energy – my thoughts, emotions, actions, & words – was focused and directed on the negative.

povery consciousness 1Follow me here…keep this in your mind as you read all of the entries to follow… there is an extremely important, ALWAYS present relationship going on in the world that affects us ALL!  Whether you are ready to see and accept this or not, what I am about to explain is how ALL of our individual realities are created.  So take a note here – this is the MOST important relationship in your life.  The relationship between your beliefs/thoughts, the emotions you feel as you think these thoughts, and the behaviors you then take as a result of how you feel.  These behaviors include actions, words, and more thoughts.  And the cycle repeats…all day, every day in every single human being walking this earth.

Generally speaking, actions and words define our entire world.  All of us individuals acting and saying things out here – that’s it!  That has created our present world & it continues to create our new world.  Well, I just laid out logically and factually (according to universal laws) how our actions and words can ALL be traced back to our beliefs/thoughts.  This will become more clear when I tell this first of many stories of my belief history pertaining to the topic of money.

So…to answer the question that I’m sure many of you have asked as you’ve read my previous posts and/or my always intense, excited Facebook updates…’How, Alyson, do you believe you are actually going to change the world?’

The answer has two primary components.  There are two, main channels of operation.  The second, is forthcoming.  The first, follows here.

I believe I can teach anyone (who is honestly interested & ready to learn) how to do the same thing I did with respect to their own life.  Which is to say – to finally make peace with, appreciate, & embrace my past; to understand what & how much control (a TON!) I have in creating my own reality (via the power of my thoughts); and as such, finally saying the words and taking the actions that result in living the life of my dreams.

I am about to begin to live up to my full potential in this life.  I believe THAT is our only responsibility in this world.  Not to necessarily ever reach our full potential, for I believe that is an ongoing, beautiful process.  However, I do believe that is the aspiration alive & kicking inside each of us.  And the further we are from living our potential, the more unhappy we are.  In the amazing world of technological advancement in which we live, we have greater opportunities to truly create innovative, amazing, new ways in which we can live.  We have more tools than ever to reach our potential!  We have minds and hearts with desires like mine to make big changes in this world.  We have solutions to very big issues facing our world.  But for one thing…the systems in which we are living – the ones that we are trying to hang on to for dear life (mostly because we don’t see any other options) are stiffling us!

We’ve each been born into unique circumstances, into unique bodies, with unique minds, and with unique interests, skills, and desires.  There are INFINITE combinations.  Yes, we are similar because we all inhabit a human body.  And we share many common life experiences & resulting emotions.  But all 7 billion of us have a very, special unique gift to contribute to this world.  It is time we create an environment that allows those amazing gifts to be developed, honed & created.  For when we do this…when we live up to our full potential, which is only to say, following our hearts’ desires in our lives…we are INFINITELY more powerful to everyone & everything around us.  The work that is performed and created from this pursuit is world-changing – there is no doubt about it!!  That is living in the light and it is time for us all to shine!

MUCH more to come today & this week… 



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The Real 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The Bible reference of the title may lead you to believe that I am tackling the religion/spirituality topic this morning.  Nope.  Not yet.

Two weeks ago, during my annual viewing, I was inspired as I watched Elf.  The scene towards the end, in Central Park.  Off in the distance, mounted on four horses, Santa spots the Central Park Rangers.  And it hit me.  The perfect metaphor.

Anxiety.  Guilt.  Worry.  Fear.  These four emotions could absolutely be considered the real 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  No…I don’t believe the world is coming to an end.  However, a prevalent, powerful, mainstream paradigm is coming to an end.  There is no doubt about it.

We are shifting and evolving into something brand new and WE get to decide how the transition between the old and the new plays out.  It does NOT have to be violent.  WE get to decide if we can step it up and experience this evolution without having a destructive revolution.  I have written before that we are living at an extremely beautiful time in our world.  Greater numbers of individuals are awakening every day to this reality.  However, these four emotions have the capacity to cripple those who are otherwise awake & prepared.

As I allow myself to share with you the very honest, authentic beliefs I used to hold and what thoughts were thus associated with them, you must know what role these four emotions play in the story.  Again, it was only as a result of my healing time in MI that I was able to see the massive, limiting power of these feelings & to what degree they were present in my thoughts.  I think I am still shocked at the realization I made during this time – that 99% of my thoughts produced or centered around one or more of these emotions.  No freakin’ wonder I was miserable and not at all close to living the life I desired.  I was unconsciously sabotaging myself for decades.

Thanks to Mike Dooley, one of the most influential teachers to whom I’ve been introduced in the past two years, ( I was able to put it all together.  The main theme running through his spiritual leadership work is the following phrase – ‘Thoughts Become Things – Choose Good Ones’.  Once I began reading his material in May of 2011, everything made perfect sense.

Taking the new “truths” I gained from Dooley and combining it with all I learned about myself & my journey while home in MI, I was able to make substantial changes in the way my mind processed everything.  As a result of changing my beliefs, my entire outer world changed too.  What manifests as our personal realities on the outside simply reflects our inner world.  And our inner world is more or less, our mind.  Change your mind and you will change your world – it is that simple!

the_infinity_lotus_by_kancano-d3jyvftTo this day, I feel like I have access to some secret code to living.  And it has been insane to see how it works.  INSANE!  Dooley has a program called, Infinite Possibilities.  It is awesome!  Bottom line…if you don’t believe in a world that holds infinite possibilities, you are selling yourself short.  I can say with a great deal of confidence that even those of you out there feeling as if you are living pretty happy, decent lives have a ton of room to expand your capabilities in this life.  Your happiness, your dreams, your desires…I can almost guarantee that our world has conditioned you to the point where you have capped yourself unnecessarily on what you think is possible.  We have placed our own limits are ourselves by believing in these arbitrary ceilings of what we can create and do in this world.  Just imagine – for argument’s sake – what a world could look like if all of a sudden millions of people began to truly believe in infinite possibilities and live their lives according to this belief?

Living with 99% of my thoughts centering around the 4 horsemen, I was still able to achieve quite a bit in my life.  Definitely more than “average” but not at all near what I knew I was capable of accomplishing.  Do you have any idea what I am going to do now that I’ve defeated the real enemy?!!!  I don’t think even my parents are aware of how much I am now free to achieve without all those limiting beliefs holding back my potential.

I’ve begun, but just barely, to demonstrate what we are all capable of creating.  In 6 months time, there will be much more on the outside for people to witness as proof.  The Universe knows I don’t require any more proof than what my life has been these past two years.  However, I am well aware that for others to begin to really hear me, they are going to need to see it to believe it.  No problem!  I cannot WAIT to show you what I’ve now only been trying to say with words.

And have you figured out yet why I haven’t been able to contain my excitement?  Why it is a tad challenging for me to continue to be patient?  Why I use all the caps and !!!! in all of my writings?!  Has anyone been able to put it together yet?

Do you know how many high-achieving, bad-ass, incredibly intelligent, kind-hearted, hard-working people I have in my life?  I am talking HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS and through their connections, THOUSANDS!  And again, with a GREAT deal of confidence I can say that the majority of these folks still spend TONS of their energy on a daily basis dealing with one or more of these horsemen.  What will all of these lives look like with just a reduction of these 4 horsemen energies in their lives?  Let alone, if you are interested in trying to eliminate them completely from your world as I have done.

It is time to unleash ALL of our human potential.  And it all begins with the annihilation of ANXIETY, GUILT, WORRY, and FEAR! If you want to blame someone or be angry at something….direct your emotions at these guys!!  Collectively, these “4 Horsemen” are the enemy.  If you desire change in the world, begin by examining the role of these emotions in your life.  How much is your life being limited?

You are more powerful than you can possibly imagine.  Allow yourself the chance to see this within.  The world is our playground and it’s time for a new game!

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Following Your Dream – A Very Honest Commentary

I very much believe that the world will change exponentially for the “better” as more and more individuals lose their own fears about hearing, listening to, and following their unique callings in this life.  As each person takes this leap in living their complete truth, it makes it that much easier for the next person to do it.  Whether you personally know that next person or not – your decision to be true to yourself positively affects the world – no doubt.

Do I believe that every single person is meant to do this?  I truly don’t know.  But I do believe that it is absolutely worth it to pursue if you are not in a place of happiness, fulfillment, and love in your life at present.  If you feel there is something missing, I would hedge bets that it has something to do with feeling limited and/or constricted in at least one area of your life.  And it is beautiful as you learn that you have much, much more control than I bet you believe you have to create something better for yourself.

slide12However, with this said, I feel it would be irresponsible for me to not share the other side of exploring these uncomfortable feelings that you have within you.  Make no mistake about it – this is where the work begins in being able to take more responsibility for your own life and your own feelings.  As you grow and expand, it would be silly to believe that along with the exciting, wonderful new feelings you will have, there aren’t also going to be equally new, terrifying things that you will experience and feel.

Before I put out there (in my final posts of this year) the whole of what I am doing (at least for the next 6-12 months) I have found that I need to express the reality of that other side I’ve been living since going public almost one month ago.  Because what I am going to be writing and doing in the upcoming week will be opening myself up for critique about 1000 times more than I’ve already done.  And I need to share what these past almost-four weeks have been like for me in terms of that other, frightening side of following your dream.

First, allow me to share a few stats from my webmaster.  My webmaster, who by the way, has been doing this (creating websites for businesses and events) for over 10 years and as such, has very real credibility.  She has commented multiple times about how “impressive” the draw of the business/site has been thus far.  With very little advertising – only announcements in my FB posts and one mass email to my entire hotmail contact list – we have received some pretty incredible traffic.

As of last week, we have visits from 4 foreign countries and 36 states. It is difficult to know exactly, but it looks like we are averaging about 70-100 visits to the site per day.  And, according to my webmaster, the most telling, impressive fact is that people are staying on the site for an AVERAGE of 6 minutes per visit!  In a day and age when there is so much ADD/ADHD people are staying on the site!  All of this with no real push yet.  Not even close to a real push yet and this many folks are reading and paying attention.  I know now there was no way to prepare for how this would affect me.

I don’t share these facts from a place of ego – not at all.  If you don’t believe me regarding that statement there is nothing I can do about it for I don’t and can’t expect anyone to understand – especially if you don’t know me well.  I share this to explain that this adventure is so beyond me – already.  My path…my dream…due in no small part to the nature of it – has already taken on a life of its own.  It has a beautiful hold on me.  However, it is VERY public and that has thrown my emotional world into a whirlwind of unprecedented feelings.  I know this is what I am meant to do and that it is very much my choice.  However, I’ve had multiple days in the past 3 weeks of feeling more isolated, alone, and not understood than ever before.  It has quite frankly scared the shit out of me.  I’ve been trying to hold this back and it hit me today that I don’t think I am meant to pretend this isn’t how I am feeling.  It IS how I am feeling.

I’ve never attempted anything as challenging as this.  Never.  I feel as if I have 100% belief in myself and where I am going but I don’t know if that means than that I shouldn’t feel scared.  While I have known for years and continue to know what draw this energy has, it is something entirely new now that I am beginning to receive confirmation and validation.  Am I doing this for that purpose?  Of course not!  Think of me as a professional athlete.  Are they out there to hear the cheers?  No!  But does it matter when people acknowledge and cheer for them?  Absolutely!  Why do you think there is such a term as home-court/field advantage?  Support from fans makes players perform even better!  Just as Michael Jordan was meant to play basketball in this life and to be one of the best, I am meant to do and be one of the best at what I am doing – even if no one yet knows or understands what that is.

I’ve received some amazing, wonderful, surprising feedback from people in my past (and my present) that absolutely, positively slide10matters.  But those closest to me…I haven’t heard much at all from them.  And I do understand.  I truly don’t have expectations for anything from anyone.  I am not waiting for anyone in particular to say anything specific.  Would it matter, however, if just one of these close relationships gave me some word of encouragement, support, or belief in me?  Words alone cannot express how much this would mean to me.

I know that I am unintentionally making many close to me uncomfortable for all sorts of reasons.  For someone who has spent 36 years always first placing others’ feelings ahead of my own…this has been very tough for me.  I was that person who wanted everyone to like me – afraid of ever saying or doing anything that stirred the pot or upset anyone – even if I had every right to say something and by not doing so, only hurt myself.  I cannot hold back any longer.  I must do what I am doing now.  There is something beyond me pulling me and calling me to do it.  All I can continue to do is to express the fact that I don’t intend to hurt anyone with what I am doing.  But since this is so personal, I know I have already done this.

I feel it – I feel the judgment, disapproval, fear, and worry from many close to me. I wasn’t prepared for the emotional energy it has taken to deflect these thoughts/opinions that aren’t being expressed but are most certainly being directed at me.  I feel it across the miles and I most certainly feel it in person.  It has been very difficult to feel the change in my relationships with people and to adjust accordingly.  Just months ago, I was so close to certain folks and now to feel that closeness gone – at least temporarily – has taken a toll.  Because of my past, I feel relationships very deeply.  And ever since my transformation in MI two years ago, I feel them ever more so because I am no longer afraid of being honest and thus, vulnerable.  But whoa…this is some scary new land I am exploring.  And…I am pretty wiped out.

slide9I am human.  I need fuel.  I need strength.  I need courage.  I have always been able to provide a huge amount of these things for myself but now?  Going forward to do what I am about to do (and I know…it still isn’t clear but within the week it will be)…I have finally realized & admitted that I do need others.  I do need to hear the positive feedback in order to have the courage to keep going.  You can offer support without understanding, or agreeing with what it is I am doing.  Feel how you are feeling – that is very real and I wouldn’t want it any other way.  But know too that if there is anything positive you are feeling from what I am doing/saying, you can share that too – nothing is too small to hear.  Again, I’ve been doing this my whole life – being my own support, my own rock.  It isn’t new for me to provide most of my own strength and fuel.  But at this level, I have to now admit that I can’t do it alone.

This trip home to Seattle has been nothing but a huge experience in learning even more about the woman I am becoming and about identifying what my needs are and from whom I can obtain these needs.  It has been unreal to become aware of this for the first time – to recognize and acknowledge that we don’t exist alone.  We do need others and we don’t need to apologize for that fact.  I have also FINALLY matured to discover that it is impossible to get everything you need from one person and quite honestly, very unfair to put that on any one person in your life.  This all requires a high level of honesty within yourself and a willingness to communicate more completely & honestly with others.  It also means you will most likely make an ass of yourself  – at least once or twice.  These are not easy lessons to learn – not at all!

I don’t write this for any reason but to be honest and very, very real about what it means to follow your dreams.  Amazing as it is, it is also terrifying because of the fact that it is UNKNOWN!  I am living now with more unknown every single day than all my previous 36 years put together.  But I will continue.  I am doing this and moving forward – no doubt about it.  I will come out the other end to be able to share these lessons too in order to help others do as I am doing – to live your truth as completely as you desire.  I am only steps ahead of any of you out there ready to do the same.  And I want you to know that if and when you too leap, to know feelings like this are normal and expected.  Know that you will always have the support of at least one person in the world for your own individual pursuit.  I will be your biggest cheerleader.

You are all part of this – more so than you are even yet aware of.  If you are reading this already, you are a huge part.  And I thank you.  I thank every single person that has visited, liked, commented, become a fan, subscribed, or emailed me directly…your support means EVERYTHING!  Nothing is too small – it all matters and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Happy holidays and I look forward to all the writing I will be doing as the year concludes.










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