9.28.13 Work Session

9.28.13 Work Session

This is me.  The happiest, most balanced, complete, “best” version of me yet (while still learning & expanding daily) coming into the work I intended to do in this life.  At some level, I’ve been preparing for 25 years for exactly what lies in front of me at present.  It is time to bring together all I’ve learned, thus far.  Narrowing down the epic journey that has been my life so far… with all the ‘data’ I’ve been gathering in my heart & mind since I can remember … it will be interesting to watch as brevity & succinctness become part of my new Story.

One thing and only one thing can I guarantee…that this will continue to be unique, honest, and real.

  1. ‘Getting Warmer’ (1 of 13)
  2. ‘No Niche For Me’ (2 of 13)
  3. ‘Learning to Flow and Not to Fight’ (3 of 13)
  4. ‘Fiction’s Role in my Life’ (4 of 13)
  5. ‘Communication…What’s Intended & What’s Received (5 of 13)
  6. ‘The ENTIRE Network’ (6 of 13)
  7. ‘The Silver Bullet is Called Out’ (7 of 13)
  8. ‘Changing Perceptions’ (8 of 13)
  9. ‘Our Happiness is Our Stability’ (9 of 13)
  10. ‘Ahh…That’s My Struggle With Succinct’ (10 of 13)
  11. ‘To Live Our Beliefs’ (11 of 13)
  12. ‘A Dance of Creation…An Example Begins’ (12 of 13)
  13. ’16 Influential Groups…15 Names Per Group…Introductions Begin’ (13 of 13)