September 30, 2010

From Alyson’s Journal
September 30, 2010

So I’m rockin’ an incredible combination of highs right now: 1) On Day #2 of Master Cleanse – I feel awesome! 2) I had an awesome energy drink. 3) I found a brand new favorite song. 4) I exercised for 3 hours. 5) I went into the steam room. 6) I’m presently at the bookstore. 7) I’m about to go see “The Town” & “The American” and 8) I’m about to have a sweet coffee drink for my only calories of the day!

In The Center Of Experience by Jon Cooney

Any one of these alone could arguably make for an awesome few hours! And I have 8! Holy shit – I feel absolutely incredible! Oh I forgot – 9) I meditated this morning to awesome celtic meditation music and truly felt my body! I’m tuned into myself today and I feel very, very good!

So…let me focus on this – THIS is what I need to be spending my time on during this ‘break’.  I need to teach myself how to treat myself well and be exactly who I am without apology or reserve!  In other words, live my authentic life as 100% me and learn how to treat THAT Alyson kindly and with love.

And the sheer fact is that this will be difficult for me.  This is absolutely foreign to me – how to love & accept myself.  Damn it – I’m taking this time to fill myself up with lessons to myself in this area.  I will make progress through journaling, meditating, art in paintings, my quilt, through music, and through honest interactions with friends & family!

How do I lose myself off the track described above?  The track I’m on right now?  How come I can’t remember all of these things and feel these feelings every day?  Why does it only last like 2 days?  Because…I’m not trained in how to hold onto it & build a reserve inside of me from which I may borrow on the more difficult days.

This is my first lesson…tomorrow will be Day 2 – 2 1/2 of ‘amazing’ feelings & thoughts…If I complete the whole day feeling that good, I will have surpassed my previous longest consecutive time of feeling “good”.  I’m conscious of everything right now.  I need to watch for “the Voice” and catch it right before it gets me off track.  Whenever I feel guilty about not working and not being “productive” is when I’m susceptible to getting off track!  I’m totally vulnerable and the Voice has no battle!  The Voice begins to tell me my “break” is wrong, that I don’t deserve it, etc. and then I start to believe it and get into all my bad habits.

Well, today I’m focused on paying attention to the Voice and I will outflank him/her in this particular battle.  It’s okay if I only meditate, go to the gym, go to the sauna and listen to music & do art in a day.  THAT is VERY productive for me right now and NECESSARY!!!!  Don’t worry about mom or to-do list or finding a job – only do what you love and what makes you feel good!

Space Needle

July 3, 2013

Given the personal, world-changing-for-me, conversation I had with my friend & life coach about 28 hours ago, the fact that this was the next journal entry I had marked to re-type is not at all surprising.

The Voice…your personal curse…can be very sneaky.  Even when you think it is gone, it may still be lingering.  If the Voice is indeed doing this…attempting to hijack your new story…AND you also happen to believe it to be gone…there is almost NO way you will be able to see it for yourself.  But it takes two very “real” individuals to be able to both deliver & receive the message of pointing this out.

How much could be at stake?  In my case…my entire dream…which, also happens to be my entire life!  Thank you, Universe, for allowing me to receive Sadee’s observation and immediately recognize it to be exactly what I was ‘feeling’ but couldn’t identify nor see for myself.  Thank you for enough dissolution of my ego allowing me room to depersonalize the message in order to be able to receive it & immediately adjust my awareness.  Such incredible beauty!