“Reality” Check

“Reality” Check

In the upcoming days I will be revealing what I believe will be one of the most unique business plans to be found.  However, before you can begin to understand the seemingly radical approach I will be describing, you need to understand the origins of my desire for such a different path in the world.  In other words, we need to have an honest, no bull-shit assessment of our present, mainstream reality.  The 3 areas most appropriate to examine are the ones we’ve tip-toed around, as a society, for far too long – money, religion, and politics.

I began this effort a week and a half ago with a post titled, “Finances & Economic Value – Part 1”.  Tomorrow, I will pick up where I left off.  The posts I am working on for the upcoming week are the following: ‘Finances & Economic Value – Parts 2 & 3’; ‘Politics’; ‘Religion & Spirituality – Parts 1 & 2’; and ‘I AM the New Economic Model – Parts 1 & 2’.

Kaleidoscopio Azul - Pablo RojasKnow that this is an assessment based on the most real reality out there – your own personal living experiences (in this case, mine, of course) & those you (I) have shared with friends & family.  After my move to Sarasota in 2008 I began developing very close friendships with some of the most amazing, fascinating, intelligent, non-mainstream people I’ve met to this day.  All of a sudden it became very clear to me that my world view was far more myopic than I could have ever guessed.  Learning of the vast living I was not doing blew my previous perspectives on everything out of the water.  My life of labels, categories, rules, & simple dualistic beliefs began to disintegrate as the massive illusions in our world became so clear.

This was the beginning of me finding my way out of my head & back to my heart.  It required, to begin with, a recognition of the fact that there is no one right way to live.  Everyone is out there doing the best they can and it isn’t for any of us to try to say that our way is better than anyone else’s.  We all should have equal opportunities to pursue and obtain our respective desires.  In our world, however, it seems we still have consistent efforts taking place to identify certain paths and certain life choices as more ideal.  For those who don’t, for one reason or another, follow the more traveled paths, it is quite a different living experience than someone who is blindly following that mainstream avenue (which is what I was doing up until 2008).  As I grew closer to my Sarasota community, I learned more & more about the unique experiences of the non-mainstream journey.  Wow!  I was clueless despite believing I was a highly informed individual.

As you read my assessments/opinions, understand this is one of the few times I will focus on what exists and specifically, on the negative of what exists.  You will soon learn why this is the case.  For now, suffice to say I look forward to getting back to the proposed “solutions” I have, which hold focus only on the positive.  Additionally, I hope you pick up on the fact that I am no longer on anyone’s side but rather on everyone’s side.  If it is inconsistent, illogical, arbitrary, or judgmental I’m going to point it out.  If it is rooted in the dark, which is to say, fear-based, I will identify it as such.  I am only on the side of love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, appreciation, and positivity.  This isn’t about blame.  This isn’t about suggesting we need more systems or programs.  Nope – not at all, in fact.  You will see my beliefs ALL center around the amazing capacity each and every one of us has within ourselves to create our own realities.  It is time to get back to individual responsibility.  It is time to understand how much control we have via our power of thought and focus & the resulting influence that has on the rest of the world around us.

Pablo RojasWith that said, however, there are very real disadvantages that many, MANY face in trying to live their lives.  And the ones who are least aware of this reality are the ones in the positions of power and influence – often making decisions that make things even more challenging for those who already have extra obstacles on their roads.  In my experiences, it seems the disconnect is truly that – we are all (mainstream, non-mainstream, & any combination thereof) living in our bubbles & judging others outside of our bubbles without having any real knowledge of what is entailed in the lived experiences of the “others”.  We trust what the TV says is news and “reality” and often pay more attention to things taking place over which we have no control and to people far outside of our day-to-day communities.  Again, if we truly desire a “better” society, we cannot continue with the status quo.

These upcoming blog posts are meant to simply point out that the playing field is absolutely, positively, NOT equal out there.  Note that I said the playing field – not the players.  We all know that each of the almost 7 billion of us on this planet are players in this big game of life on Earth.  Of course, we are not all created with equal abilities, desires, or circumstances.  But we should have as equal-as-possible a world in which to live and at present, we don’t.

The issue lies in the fact that certain abilities/strengths, interests, & experiences have been identified & rewarded as valuable while many others have been deemed less valuable or worse, given no value at all.  During this next week of blogging, I hope to introduce a few new perspectives pertaining to what many consider to be the “big” areas of our society.  I think you will find, though, there is a distinct, significant difference in my thoughts of how to create something more equitable.  I can guarantee you it will not be anywhere near status quo.

Finally, this look at mainstream reality is being done in order to provide a more solid understanding & awareness of where we are.  In order to navigate to where you want to go you must first know where you are.  Consider this to be status week; the pre-test; the starting point from which we will measure the efforts of my company for the next 6 months.  Because make no mistake about it…I hold the belief that these new approaches are going to catch on like wild fire.  There will be change & it will be noticeable.  Our planet and all of us inhabiting it are screaming for a change.  The calls for help are coming in every way imaginable by every segment of our society and from every part of our world.  It is time to remember that we are all in this together.  If we believe we can create something different we will.

 Thank you and have a great day!


P.S.  This blog post was originally written and posted to rendition #1 of my website on 12.28.12 while sitting in an airport in AZ awaiting my first-ever 1st class upgrade experience in flying.  I point out both of these facts for purposes to be explained a bit further along the launching campaign that has now “officially” begun.