Preparing with Patience

Preparing with Patience

Patience. Still requiring much practice but getting easier by the day. I can FEEL this story…this first piece of art, if you will. It’s right here. I feel the excitement rising within me every day as it slowly…very slowly…is being revealed to me on how to share it. The key, I am learning is to constantly remind myself of this beautiful fact…it isn’t about the destination…the final achievement but instead, it’s ALL about the journey.

ascensionFeeling this process is so new and so incredible. As a society, how have we forgotten this to the extent that we have?! Especially as a super high-achiever who NEVER allowed myself to live in my present. I am SOOO unbelievably grateful to have remembered! Remembered that we are here to thrive…to desire…to create…to be happy…to love and mostly to KNOW that we are limitless!! Follow your heart…follow your passion and EVERYTHING else will fall into place. I promise you!

We do not need to “abide” by the rules and illusions that we see in our mainstream world. YOU have a choice! And yes…it is scary as shit (at first) to begin to believe something different than the masses but do you know how many of us out here are doing this to all different extents right now?!! There is support for you to make a different choice. And the momentum is gaining like you wouldn’t believe. But you can’t see it, feel it, experience it, until you begin to allow yourself to BELIEVE it!!

You only need to open your mind a little bit to the possibilities of seeing the world anew. When this super powerful Truth has just a chance to show itself to you, it will! And you likely won’t be able to name it because there are no words! But…you will FEEL it … you will feel more love, more beauty, more hope than you can literally imagine is possible.

I’ll be all the crazy anyone wants to label me because there is NO way I am ever, EVER going back to the way in which I was engaging with the world just 3 short years ago. Nope! You can believe me or not – that is the greatest part of ALL of this. Everyone has a choice and everyone’s path is “right”. But…know this…if you aren’t as happy as you desire to be…if your life isn’t what you wish it could be…you can change it. But NO ONE outside of you – nothing or no one is responsible and more importantly…no thing, no entity, and no person is capable of making that change other than YOU!!!

ascension 2

For those interested and “ready”, I cannot tell you how excited I am to help inspire/guide/support/demonstrate how to do in your life exactly what I’ve done in my own. There is nothing more credible than actually walking the walk and I couldn’t have walked the walk more than I have these past 13 months. My ENTIRE life has been living exactly what I speak and write about and will continue to be so until my time in this life comes to an end.

I certainly don’t have all the answers. I am very, very far from perfect. I still have opinions of the old-paradigm that will be important to share for at least the upcoming months. But, I KNOW this Truth and I understand it to a very, very high degree. And while it is true that we are all both students and teachers, there are some of us who are meant to be teachers of a different degree.

I have been a coach and a teacher since I was a teenager. I haven’t dreamed of being on a big stage, per se, but I have dreamed – since I was 6 – of helping others to the greatest extent of my capabilities. And my capabilities happen to be ones that will place me on a VERY big stage. Preparing for that has been the most intense, isolating, heart-wrenching, challenging, beautiful year of my life. And now…I am ready.

So…the patience will continue because I won’t begin to “reveal” this on my 2 websites until I feel it is time to begin. It’s close…VERY close but for now…updates will come only here on FB when inspiration guides me to do so.

We are living in unprecedented, beautiful, powerful times fueled by happiness and love. If you want in on that Game, I’m your teammate and your coach! Get ready to evolt!