Not Just MY Story but OUR Story

Not Just MY Story but OUR Story

On the final day of a hugely transitional month, I was awoken from sleep with a sort of higher level confirmation of what I’ve been feeling all along.  Straight out of bed, I recorded this podcast.  Without a doubt, this 2nd round of sharing is going to be very, very different.  This difference may not be obvious right out of the gate, but trust me…the further into the “piece” I go, it will be revealed.

And yes…I recognize that I refer to things within this (and other upcoming podcasts) with which you may not yet be familiar, but there are ALWAYS at least a few folks out there who know exactly what I am talking about.  Could be because they are involved directly with a project that I’ve already begun; they may be a part of a story I am sharing; they may have heard me share a particular story before; or, they may just be following THIS story that closely.  And for those for whom these things are unfamiliar, know that more often than not, there is still something to be gained from the over-riding message, even if you can’t follow all the details.

You will very soon discover that you, the fans, are VERY much are part of this creation.  You will never know when I may be speaking to or about you because as you will want to note once again…the part of this that will remain as unplanned as possible are the actual recordings I do.  They are ‘live’, they are respecting the energy of where I am in that present moment, and they are shared almost immediately.  I NEVER know what is going to come out of me, on what day, or in what manner of explanation/sharing. And this is only a part of this new piece of art.

This is indeed MY story but it is really OUR story…the one human family story.  My stories were/are a reflection to me – mirrors to me revealing my own life in the reflections.  Likewise, my story and what role it plays in your story is a reflection of you.

When I look at the stories of my past with my understanding of the Oneness, I can see what each one (and the characters involved) was telling me regarding my own life at the time. The lessons surround us every day if we are willing to see them. Ultimately, I believe we are all here to help one another remember. To remember that we are indeed all One. There is no I, or me, or you.  There is only One…I am you…you are me.  MY story is OUR story. Our awakening story.