This would probably be a good time to answer a question that maybe has arisen in some readers’ minds again. ‘What makes you, Alyson, believe you are qualified to make all of these claims of this new Game and how it works?’ Well, the simple answer is that I am living everything about which I speak and what has happened to me in the past 2 years is proof enough. What has transpired in my life…the things that have manifested…the immense happiness I feel the majority of the time…the interactions I share with anybody and everybody…this has not been an illusion. Those who have crossed paths with me – especially in the past 5 months – can attest to this.
It has been incredible well beyond what words alone can express. THAT is the new Game…you can only go so far with words, which is why I can barely contain my excitement for the rest of the posts that are coming this week. I am ready to SHOW you all what I mean. Not because I need to prove anything to anyone – those days are long, long gone. I am doing this because I swear to you I would bet that 99% of the American population can benefit from something I am teaching.
We are nowhere near behaving in ways in which we are capable as humans…not at all. Not when there is poverty, disease, hunger, etc. plaguing not only Earth, but our own flippin’ country. We are better than this. MUCH better! We are better than such a small percentage living & thriving while the majority is just barely surviving. We are better than destroying the planet upon which we live thus literally threatening the existence of our species. We put men on the moon for God’s sake. With all the technology and wisdom on this planet we still have billions suffering? It isn’t because there aren’t solutions. There are. But those that have them aren’t being heard because of a limiting, excluding economic system. And if, by chance, they are heard the visionaries with these ideas must water them down to make them “profitable” or “understandable”.
Anything too new is shunned and denied. Those in established positions of power are threatened by too new – what if too new leads to them not having the same power they presently have? However, too new is exactly what we need. I believe we are all craving a wildly new perspective from which to live. Well, I’m about to provide that perspective. Among other things, I am going to blow out of the water the entire for-profit business model. I am attempting to be the living example of what we all are capable of being and doing.
Because the solution is not in government. It is absolutely not in corporations as we know them. The solution is in each and every one of us. As individuals, we need to stop looking outside of ourselves to others to create the life we want. We cannot nor would we want to ever control others’ behavior. We need to give all new focus, with an all new perspective to the only thing we can control – ourselves. We need to learn how to go within and to reconnect with the power that is beyond us all, yet lies within & binds us all. And then we need to learn what to do with that new relationship for it is a very potent resource. Everything needs to be created anew and I am simply leading the way. I will be the guiding light for much brighter lights than me who are now seeking – some of them, my Dream Team, who you will be meeting in just a few days.
‘And how, Alyson can you believe that you are the ‘Michael Jordan’ of this new Game already?’ The answer to that one will be better observed in about 6 months time but for now, call it an intuition. A very strong intuition. I have loved games my entire life – board games, card games, athletic games – but this one is unlike any other I’ve ever played. And I’ve picked up on it, I think, very, very quickly – mostly because of the time I gave myself in Michigan to finally heal. I had tons of practice time, combined with a very analytical mind, added to a high level of intellect & self-awareness, and most importantly, an honest desire to be happy.
I didn’t know what to expect. I wasn’t that conscious of it all until May of 2011 when I was introduced to two particularly influential teachers – Abraham Hicks & Mike Dooley. Ever since I began reading & listening to their teachings, my life has done nothing but been on the fast track to where I am today. It’s like I just had the most amazing rookie year ever and I barely know my skills yet. In the past, I never would have claimed such a thing for fear of being labeled egotistical. I cannot be bothered by such concerns any longer because those concerns simply limit me.
I know what I know & this definitely is not coming from any place other than my heart. I know that I owe this to the world. This is indeed what I am here to do. I know this because it is all I’ve ever wanted to do and I am happier than ever doing it. And getting happier by the day as more and more of my ridiculously talented, amazing friends become directly involved. I owe it to not only me but to everyone around me to be and do all that I can be and do. Because when I perform at my highest capabilities it affects others and often brings them closer to the best of their capabilities. I am indeed the commissioner of this version of the new Game but I am also a player-coach. I hold no greater value than anyone else…just a different value. This is simply my role in the organization of humankind at this point in time.
You may say, ‘I feel like I already am pretty happy and that I am pretty close to my full potential.’ Perhaps. But I would argue that you are feeling that because you believe you have reached the pinnacle of this limiting world in which we live. Make no mistake…there are very concrete ceilings for all of us living in this old paradigm – even in the mainstream, corporate, money-making world. Mainly, because as I pointed out in Leaving Poverty Consciousness Behind, our entire world economic system is operating with the underlying belief of limited resources. When you begin to allow yourself to believe instead, of infinite possibilities and great abundance, which I can almost guarantee you don’t really believe yet, you will see how much more you can be and do in this life.
Remember The Real 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse – anxiety, guilt, worry, and fear? If just any one of those are present, you aren’t living up to your full potential. And I haven’t even mentioned the disgusting, angry, ugly, limiting, dark examples of hate, anger, blame, discrimination, greed, jealousy, revenge, judgement, lack of forgiveness, and violence. If any of these are present in your life then you most certainly have room to improve (in terms of being the best you can be).
Know that I am never, ever judging when I write these things. I truly aim for no judgement of anyone or anything every day of my life. I write these observations because I was just there 2 years ago living, believing, and feeling all of the same things you probably feel as you read my words. I worked very, very hard to get to where I am today in changing these limiting beliefs. Now, my new, limitless beliefs are practically automatic for me and the results of my life are proving the immeasurable power they have. This is the real deal. This isn’t too good to be true. Putting together everything from my life, I am ready and able to teach this Game in many different ways. The way of the words is about to take a very back seat to the projects that are already in progress.
Finally, it is time to lay it all out there. With the following posts, I will be introducing the 6 main conjectures I’ve formulated regarding this new Game. If it isn’t clear yet, this is all entirely my own creation. I am combining everything I’ve ever learned in my life and all that I am today as a human and creating my own version of this new Game out in the world. Others have their way of playing it and you too will find your own way to play, if you so choose. I am fairly confident, however, that you will not find what you are about to read anywhere else on this planet. I say this only to remind you that WE GET TO MAKE IT UP!!! Stop taking yourself and your life so seriously. We are tiny, tiny specks – less than specks – in the vast Universe out there. Life really is a game and I think it is past time that more of us have some freakin’ fun!!