Love and Relationships…Here We Go

Love and Relationships…Here We Go

Love…particularly intimate, complete love with another human being…I have longed for this since the last time I was actually fully present and ‘me’ in a relationship…10th grade. This video represents the short summary of why and how it has evaded me – someone with more love to share than almost anyone else I know – for all these years. My parent’s first divorce directly led to a complete absence of any sort of emotional relationship with EITHER parent from age 14 on. This, not surprisingly, led to very close relationships with many other adults in my world. Inevitably, this was going to lead to feelings of ‘falling in love’ with someone older and unavailable. When this friendship ended at 19, unknowingly I shut my heart down to this “type” of connection despite wanting it more than anything. After my healing year in Michigan and finding my way back to self-love, which is ultimately, the one Love, I am now ready for this in a way like never before.

(Recorded on 7/29/13)