Thoughts, beliefs, focus, emotions, and energy. Absolute keys to this new Game. In order to learn to play, you must become familiar with these concepts in very new ways. You must learn how they relate to one another. You must understand that as you transition from the story of your life now to the new story you desire, you are going to need to know the basic foundational beliefs you must hold in the new Game should you want to be any good at playing (i.e. cooperation & abundance). You must accept that certain beliefs you hold now will indeed limit you in the new Game (i.e. competition & comparison). That doesn’t mean you can’t play but don’t be discouraged if it seems to take you awhile to master the skills. This will take practice and just like in athletics or music, some people are naturals and others have to practice a lot more. However, EVERYONE has the capability of playing this Game.
Remember, a belief is simply a thought that you practice over and over again. Going forward, be aware that at times I will thus use these terms interchangeably. Beliefs within us exist at varying degrees of strength. The degree of strength correlates strongly with our values. The amplitude of our beliefs is also associated with the length of time we’ve held them in our life. Additionally, many beliefs are such that they affect our behaviors automatically. These habitual patterns are sometimes hard to identify and if you decide there are certain ones that need to be broken, be prepared that there is work involved. I’ve written before that the transition from the old game to the new Game will most certainly be challenging – to everyone at some level.
Our focus on our beliefs/thoughts cause us to feel certain emotions. These emotions, in addition to the thoughts and beliefs themselves, directly lead to what decisions we make in our day-to-day world. Even with the simplest of actions, this process is taking place. Brushing your teeth, for example. You do this because you believe it is the healthy thing to do for your mouth. Or…you do it because it is a habit and the belief tied to that habit was passed on to you by someone else who felt it was a good belief to have. And get this…sometimes beliefs are passed on to you by someone for whom the belief is also a habit – i.e. they aren’t even conscious of it.
Huh? This is getting too confusing. For some of you, I know this is true and to you I say, there will be further explanations very soon. For others, I know you are right there with me. Why am I bringing this up? Why is it important to identify from where a particular belief comes? Because it absolutely matters whether or not YOU consciously choose to have your beliefs. After all, YOU are the only one responsible for and living your life. If you are operating with underlying beliefs that you aren’t aware of and/or that you didn’t choose for yourself, you may not even know how these are affecting your day-to-day life choices. If your desires are incongruent with your underlying beliefs, you will continue to bang your head against the wall as you seek happiness & fulfillment in your life.
Allow me to use one more personal example to try to make this a little bit clearer. I have a few beliefs that proved to be the most limiting to me, including a belief that life had to be a struggle. That midwest, middle-class attitude ingrained deep, deep within me. Anytime I experienced anything remotely close to what I dreamed – which, essentially was a life where I didn’t struggle, I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. The phrase ‘too good to be true’ was my automatic response to anything that appeared as such. This belief was sabotaging my entire life and most certainly my ability to reach my FULL potential in this life. The underlying belief I wanted was one of no struggle. However, the belief I had and the one guiding my every action and decision was that life had to be a struggle – ALL at a level unconscious to me until my healing time in MI.
How we behave (as a result of our beliefs) takes energy. Physical & emotional energy. And that energy is like a big signal to the Universe. If you broadcast positive energy, you will receive positive energy back into your life. If you are emitting vibrations of negativity, you will attract negativity back into your life. Our outer worlds most definitely reflect our inner worlds.
Be careful, though in trying to label what is positive & negative at this point. Some things may appear to be an obvious categorical “negative” – say, losing your job. However, in many, MANY cases the signs are being misread. The self-guidance systems of most of you reading are I dare say, extremely rusty. If, in your life at present, you think more often about how someone else or society at large is going to think about what you say/do as opposed to how YOU feel about your behavior, than you are not ready to make sense of all the plentiful signs in your world.
Seeing as most places of employment utilize evaluation systems to justify pay and the keeping of one’s job, most of you are spending the majority of your time in any given week living your life FIRST according to what you think someone outside of you is going to think of your behavior. Of course you can’t yet trust your own intuition. You haven’t been taught about and thus haven’t practiced following the amazing, inner guidance that is within you. Ridiculous (because employers actually believe this process motivates & brings out the best of their employees) evaluation systems that have you comparing yourself to others and forgetting the all important notion of relativity.
Some of you out there may still have dreams. But I would wager, that most of you have given up on those wild, awesome, innovative, creative, world-changing dreams that you held when you were younger. Well, it is time to re-ignite those because they are right there waiting for you to make them come true. But it all begins with the BELIEF that you can make them come true. It will take some time, personal work and practice, but you can do it…you can make it so that some day in the very near future, to your core, you actually believe that you can make your dreams come true. And once that belief is fully there – for anything – once you click into it at a 100%, the universe then works its magic and like a miracle…your dreams – big and small – begin to manifest as your reality.
I am not out to convince anyone of anything – not at all. The only thing I am aiming to do is to apply my energy – and not just the high level of it, but my complete energy that I’ve been told my entire life by MANY inspires, invigorates, excites, and motivates others. I want to guide others back to themselves – their essences – their callings – their uniqueness – that within them that is GREATER than the individual.
More than anything in the world, I value people. And all I’ve ever wanted to do was to help others get even a baby step closer to their full potential. Inherently, I’ve always known that we hadn’t even touched the tip of the iceberg of our human capabilities & that I had something within me that was going to be able to rectify this situation. Well, it has taken 36 years, but my time to shine has finally arrived. This is my unique role on the planet right now and there is no way I am missing this opportunity. I’ve been preparing & training for this my entire life and I am 100% ready!
Stay tuned…you definitely don’t want to miss the upcoming postings!