Introducing the Dream Team – It’s All About the Love

Love.  This absolutely all comes down to love.  Happiness is our indicator, yes.  But when you are living a life that you truly love, this will result in happiness.  So the key, then, is finding out what you truly love.  Who you truly love.  And to create a life that allows you to focus on those things and to be with those people as much as possible.  And most importantly…to trust and believe that you (and your family) will be taken care of if you follow your heart.

images (5)It is a cruel test of the times in which we are living that while this is what, at some level, we ALL crave at present, we have been conditioned to believe that it is too good to be true.  That this cannot exist.  That there is no way you can support yourself, let alone thrive, if you do what you love for work.  No way.  Work is supposed to be hard.  You are meant to put in your time doing a lot of what you don’t like for the chance that at some point down the line, you may finally get to do the type of work you love & be paid for it.  Or what if the work of your dreams is completely different from what you are doing now?  What if it makes you appear “less” than the status of your job at present?  What then?

There is never ‘too late’ in this new Game.  There is never only ‘one opportunity of a lifetime’.  The opportunities are constantly coming – they are simply waiting for you to allow yourself to see them as such.  They will keep coming – rest assured.  They may look differently each time, but they are always coming into your life.  When you are ready, they will be there.  And if you are not yet ready to open your mind to any of this, that is okay.  But if you are reading these words…whether you know it or not, you have opened your mind at least a crack.  You will know when the crack begins to open wider.  Trust me.

It’s all about the belief you want to hold.  If you want to believe it isn’t possible to be paid to do EXACTLY what you would dream to do for a job, than it isn’t.  If, however, you want to believe it IS possible, than it is.  You may need to condition yourself to fully reach that 100% belief in it being possible, but I assure you, it is indeed possible.  I am living proof of this.

I’ve consciously been ‘testing’ it these past 2 years.  The Universe has not failed a single time…not once.  And on October 14, 2012, the Universe tested me.  Was I in or was I out?  How much did I really believe in all of this?  How much did I really want this?  Was I going back to work for someone else for another year or had I seen enough “proof”?  No one else could yet see the “proof” but I could and that was why it was the toughest test of my life thus far.  I was being asked if I was going to keep believing in the dream inside of me that was very much unfolding with every indication that it would only continue to do so, in the face of not yet having any real substantial proof to show anyone else.  This was it…an opportunity…was I catching this boat or was I going to wait for the next one?

Know how long it took me to make the call when the Universe belted me with this completely unexpected situation?  It took about 10 seconds.  Everything about my situation had gone from known to unknown in a minute’s time, yet I hesitated for only 10 seconds.  I had no clue what I was going to do.  Not a single detail of what I am about to reveal to you tomorrow was formally in place as of 10/14/13.  Not one.  Other than my webmaster, my #1.  She was already in place and you will soon see that was actually HUGE!  But, at the moment of this Universal test, nothing of what has become Alyson Irene Noune, LLC was determined…not even the name.

I did what I have learned to do every single day for the past two years…I took the next logical step.  I rented a car and I got myself to Sarasota.  It is all about the energy and there is no doubt I was drawn back to FL by the energy of this city and those I love in this city.  Within an hour of arriving here, a new sub-vision for my grander vision of changing the world was born.  It was that fast.  I knew immediately that this was all I had been waiting for.  This was it!  I knew it and I also knew that I was absolutely ready for it.  I had no clue what the hell “it” was going to look like and I could have NEVER predicted what has transpired.  I just instinctively knew I was ready to trust my intuition completely…no matter what!  And why?  Because I was 100% certain that it was rooted in love.  There was now no more fear.  I had leaped completely and never had I felt stronger!

tree_of_life_by_soul7-d33p94bIt will take years to share all of the beautiful stories of how not accidental it all is.  The incredible stories of interactions, correspondences, occurrences, ideas, thoughts, and emotions and the interconnectedness of it all in our lives.  I didn’t believe any of this at first either.  But it didn’t take very long at all to condition myself to be able to believe it because it just rang true.  Once I slowed down, stopped running, & allowed myself to chill out, I felt it…intuitively.  I just felt the energy of the belief.  There are no words.  This transcends words.  It goes beyond our minds.  This is the heart, baby!  This new Earth is rooted in the heart and I have learned quickly that there is no force in this world greater than that which comes from the heart…love.

Don’t worry if this still sounds like a bunch of woo-woo to you.  You are ready when you are ready.  We all have our role right now and every role is equally valuable.  No worries & no judgments.  Just watch me & my team over the course of these next few months and I will give you the “proof” that I know you still need to see to believe.  We aren’t about to do any of this because we are trying to prove anything – this game isn’t played like that.  But it will.  What these next 5-6 months will prove is going to change the world.  I know it!!

The mind has been guiding us for quite awhile now and it has had its time to shine.  It has done its part and helped us achieve and accomplish amazing things.  However, with darkness and fear guiding the powerful results of our mind-driven world, we have all the indication we need to see that the mind’s tenure has termed out.  Different energies are meant to serve as the most effective during these times.  These awakening times of the Light call for a new leader.  The new leader is the heart and all of the beautiful, valuing energies associated with love, forgiveness, appreciation, gratitude, and cooperation are this leader’s apostles.

It is indeed a whole new ball game.  To what extent it is new in your life will depend on how much you have already allowed your heart into your day-to-day living.  Me?  Mine was absolutely crushed at 19.  I subconsciously told myself I wasn’t ever again going to experience that much pain.  So I had unknowingly capped my love and thus, my power.  While I didn’t feel as if I had a ceiling on the amount of love I was willing to give out, I realized I had indeed imposed a ceiling on myself.  How?  Because I was limiting the amount of love I was allowing in – beginning with the love of myself.

I had nothing but about 95% hate of myself up until 2 years ago.  I was completely incapable of allowing true love into my soul with all of this self-hate.  I was keeping at bay the most powerful force in the universe out of fear.  Fear of being vulnerable.  Fear of being truly seen.  Fear of being worthy.  Fear of being deserving.  I was terrified of the thing I wanted most in my life…a life full of love.

But what I wasn’t seeing was that all I had to do was turn the coin over.  I just had to slightly shift my perspective.  I had a TON of love in my life!  A TON!  At the time, I was still hurt & frustrated because I was seeking it from specific people who just weren’t yet capable of giving it to me in the way I thought I wanted and needed it.  Not because they don’t feel it.  Simply because they too struggle with loving & accepting themselves and therefore, they struggle with knowing how to express this crazy beautiful emotion.

But it wasn’t that I didn’t have love in my life.  I did!  As I really began to open my eyes, I had ridiculous amounts of love in my life.  In fact, it was overwhelming.  First, I couldn’t believe it was that easy – to just change the object of my focus and secondly, to discover how much I was missing in my living.  If you aren’t loving, you aren’t living.  And you don’t need a spouse, a significant other, kids, or even a pet to experience this in your life.  You will see, feel, and experience love everywhere when you take that all-important step of loving yourself first.  Then, and only then, will you begin to see what your true capabilities are in this life.  Your full potential lies down a journey based in love not fear…there is no doubt about it!

It is only now, within the past 1-2 months that I am truly beginning to see how much power I was capping.  What can be accomplished when you allow yourself to feel and be love in every area of your life as much as possible is simply incredible!  To trust others (who are ready) with all that you are and know they are doing the same with you.  To expand the definitions and the boundaries of this love and how it can be shown and shared.  I will say again…you are not going to be able to yet believe what can be done when it is rooted in love and added to beliefs of abundance and cooperation.  If what I have done in only 3 months doesn’t make you take pause to believe I am onto something, just want until June.  Give us 5 months.  It will take no longer than 5 months.  It is all about the love!

To be continued…this one looks to be a 3-parter.  Sorry…generally, I don’t know until I sit down to write how long it will be or what direction it will take.  Should only be a couple of hours until the next segment is completed.