Advanced tickets are now on sale for my first ever inspirational speaking engagement taking place on 11/10/13. This will be a 4-hour workshop. If you’d like a very early taste of what these 4 hours will be like, I invite you to watch “9/23/13 Work Session”, just posted this morning to “The Unveiling of Evolt” tab.
“The Unveiling of Evolt” is the very large, ‘piece of art’ that I am presently working on. Anyone interested can watch the actual behind-the-scenes process of creating what will ultimately be “presented” on 11/10. Who, in my opinion, is going to experience the most beautiful, powerful piece? Those who invest the most time & energy in the story – however, you define this.
Those who watch/read/listen to the work I do between now and November and then attend live to feel the entire process…let’s just say I’d be very curious to track how your lives change too. Because I predict that you will be able to see noticeable changes positively correlated with the amount and degree of energy you are investing into the following of this (my) story. I am testing the energy…on EVERY level imaginable…and this is one of many of my hypotheses.
Another prediction…I believe this is going to be unlike any piece of artwork you’ve ever experienced because you are more a part of it AND its creation than I can explain to you. ESPECIALLY right now. EVERY single person that is a ‘fan’/’supporter’ right now…this early…you will FEEL this in ways that I predict you will not be able to name.
There are so many levels of this ‘work’ that I am doing that it will take me years to explain to you with words alone ALL I am processing and communicating. And I am truly just beginning. Now the fear guard really comes down and I trust my heart completely. This behind-the-scenes ‘filming’ I was absolutely called to do this past Monday …. this changes everything … again. I broke free.
I broke the pattern that was preventing me from sharing this in the I way I truly intend. I can’t hold back the energy any longer that wants to be expressed through me in all of these ways. Namely, the sharing of these miraculous stories of my greater story. I’ve been holding back because my life has become THAT unreal yet 100% ‘real’. And now…after 3 years … I have at least one or two others (with minimal to no reason to align with me untruthfully) that can validate any one of the many, statistically unlikely ‘experiences’ I’ve had since what I can only call my ‘Awakening’. I cannot hold back any longer on the expression of these stories for fear of anyone’s reaction – disbelief or otherwise. I must trust the greater energy guiding me.
This is my Spiritual Awakening story. It is 100% REAL. It is honest. It is genuine. It is intense. It is insanely beautiful. It is full of miracles and love and happiness and peace. It has heart-wrenching pain and dramatic lessons that took decades to learn. It is full of emotion and will likely cause you to question most every aspect of yourself and this world in which we live. And trust me when I say you can NEVER prepare for such a ride. THAT is the journey, should you decide to come along.
So…get ready! It’s all about the energy and the unique wiring I possess in this life…time to allow myself to be the complete conduit that I am.