EVERYTHING Has Shifted!!

EVERYTHING Has Shifted!!

krishna dasIn early November of 2010, while home in Michigan for my self-imposed “Healing Year”, I discovered Krishna Das.  I was checking music out from the library every week.  10-15 new CDs every 7 days.  During my New Age genre tour, I found “Heart As Wide  As The World” and fell in love.  I was reacting strongly to most every piece of music to which I was listening, but there was something distinct about this man’s voice and what he was singing.  It was communicating something to me at a level far deeper than anything prior to that in my life had done.

Mind you, at this point I had no conscious awareness of what was happening.  All I knew is that I LOVED this man’s voice and I absolutely LOVED singing his mantras.  The music and the singing filled me with more happiness than I could have imagined was possible.  The foreign language in which he sang, came naturally to me and I listened to this CD over and over and over again.  I couldn’t get enough of it.  I played him at home.  I played him in the car.  I worked out to his music.  And I danced.  I danced like I hadn’t done since our 8th grade school dances when I rocked out completely uninhibited.  He was filling my soul but I couldn’t have told you then with what he was filling it.  Now, after spending a weekend with this man and others who have been touched by his work and his energy, I know exactly what it is.  I have a complete understanding and my life is changed forever.

This man is channeling pure love in his singing.  100% genuine, pure, unconditional love inspired by his Indian guru, Maharaj-ji.  I am still reeling from the experience.  I haven’t slept more than 4 or 5 hours a night since Friday.  I am trying to hang on to every second of it.  I was literally 10 feet away from this incredibly beautiful soul – directly in front of him – for a total of about 12 hours this weekend.  As crazy as it sounds, I didn’t even realize where I was sitting until late afternoon on Saturday.  I knew I was close, of course, but it didn’t hit me that I was the closest person to him until he shared a story that particularly moved me.

I was close enough where I swear I could feel the vibration of the emotion he had surrounding this experience of his.  He recollected this memory with such great detail, honesty, and humor.  And of course, it was a story of love.  They all came back to the love of Maharaj-ji and Krishna Das’s almost 3-year living adventure in India as a devotee of Maharaji-ji’s.  On about 6 different occasions on Saturday afternoon, tears slowly streamed down my face.  Tears of connection…of understanding…of remembering.  This is what I had been seeking.  He led me right back to myself.

As humans, we absolutely need help & guidance.  We need assistance to develop and maintain the ability, the strength, and the courage required to make peace with the pains of our past.  We need examples & inspiration to pursue the potential of our futures.  We are here to help one another.  We are not here to compete and keep others down in order to rise.  We are here to be teachers and students via the sharing of our stories.  We are here to collaborate in all new ways.  Mostly, we are here to be happy, to love, and to experience peace.  Why else would we be here?

peaceWe are the smallest of small specks in the universe.  As an entire planet we take up less than a miniscule part of space.  Do you know how little that means a single one of our lives is in the grand scheme of things?!  Seriously!  We have made the problems of our world seem insurmountable and nothing is that big.  All we need to do is shift perspectives.  We need to move from fear to love…from our minds to our hearts.

We – all of us individuals – we are creating this world in which we live.  We’ve been doing it without the awareness whether you want to believe it or not.  But now…we are awakening!  Everyone is becoming more and more aware at their own pace.  Everyone has a role.  And everyone’s role is equally important.  Never, ever underestimate your calling.  If you are happy and loving your life, you are more powerful in your example to others than a millionaire who is miserable.  Stand tall and shine bright with your happiness.  And if you upset people with your joy, know that you have a choice to surround yourself with others.  You can be happy.  You should be happy.  You can have the exact life you’ve always dreamed of that would make you nothing but happy each and every day.  And you only need to do one thing for it to happen…actually believe it.  THAT is the work.  That is where we need help.

How is that help provided?  In many ways, of course, but those living in love just exude it.  The more unconditional love in your life, the more powerful your ability to guide and inspire others.  It is that simple.  Follow what your heart is calling you to do…your unique role in the world right now is just waiting for you to fill it.  Your example…no matter how it is being presently defined by society and the world, is more powerful than anything else.  And Krishna Das’s example is one of more love than anyone else I’ve personally met yet.  How do I know?  I FELT it.

I was present in the moment for every single second in front of him.  When we weren’t singing, I was looking directly into his eyes.  I was feeling every bit of the energy this man exudes.  I was right there taking in every single piece of that feeling that I could.  The pure love that was shown to him by Maharaj-ji is love that you find rarely in human form.  This man was a teacher at the highest level in this life.  And Krishna Das took in every bit of that love for almost 3 years.  It can’t help but shine incredibly bright through him.  He is providing to thousands and thousands of others the same inspiration that his guru provided him.

In this new Game, however, you know that you aren’t doing anything that makes you any better than any other individual.  You can’t help but to also have true humility.  And you can FEEL this.  You can feel REAL in people.  He is simply following his own personal love…his own desires…he is doing what he loves to do and the “success” automatically will follow.  And the happiness that results from following love changes the world.  Everyone can do this.  We all have this ability to follow our own truth.  And everyone’s “success” will look different.  No one journey of any of us is better than any other.  Just different.  Yet…all connected!  Connected by the power of the energy that comes from living this Truth of only one Love.  Nothing is more powerful.

This man is attempting to live this love so completely that you can’t help but feel it and be changed by it.  I’m not sure there were many dry eyes on Saturday after this specific story.  For almost a minute, just the most beautiful dead silence in an auditorium with at least 250-300 people.  All you felt was the overwhelming presence of love.  I dare say, a love unlike many in that room had ever felt before.  There was nothing to do but allow the emotion to overcome you.  And then…as if it couldn’t get more intense…we sang.  It was by far, the most incredible thing I’ve ever experienced in my conscious spiritual journey.  My heart has never been so full of such pure, positive energy.  The room was FILLED with it!

loveMy only reference is Catholicism as a kid, but it was like he was telling stories of Jesus when speaking of Maharaj-ji. I felt like I was in the presence of a disciple. I believe I was. The stories and his genuine, real, honest, emotions surrounding them. And at the center of it all? Love! The most powerful, unconditional love I’ve ever felt in my life. I absolutely felt it…to my core. He is absolutely shining the same love of his guru! His energy & thus the energy of that room moved me in ways unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

His role on my journey is now so very clear.  I knew this weekend would affect me deeply.  And I am fairly certain I knew that this would be the exact result from the weekend.  But what continues to amaze me…you can never prepare yourself for how good it feels.  You just can’t.  You literally don’t have the capacity to imagine how much more beautiful we can make this world.  None of us do.  But experiences like this give you a glimpse.  This is the closest glimpse I’ve had since consciously beginning to live rooted in love less than 2 years ago.  And there was more energy being generated & propelled by this man than I have yet experienced from any other person.  Indeed I am pretty new to this Game.  Not new enough, however, to miss this opportunity.  The chance to fuel myself with the energy I experienced all weekend long.

To be continued…EVERYTHING Has Shifted!! – Part 2

(This blog post was originally written and posted on 3/5/13.  I have not altered that original text here today.)