Daily Dance Blog…Coming Soon

Daily Dance Blog…Coming Soon

For a few months now, I’ve had ideas/thoughts pertaining to a daily dance blog.  I think I’m ready to allow this to come to the forefront of my mind as a primary part of my work to balance the more heady, business side that is going to be taking a great deal of my time through the end of the calendar year.  At this point, I’m not at all sure what this is going to look like or consist of save for what I hope to be an example and inspiration to others to listen to more music and to get up and just dance!

Krishna Das is absolutely one of my favorite musical artists and his work fills me with immense feelings of happiness and joy.  Almost every time I listen to him I find I want to dance.  Last night was no different.  I was working while listening to my K.D. Pandora station, ‘Rama Bolo’ came on and I had to dance.