Canton B-ball & Visualization

Alyson talks about her first introduction (via an assistant coach in her high school basketball program) to meditation and visualization.

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Yes…More Balancing of Feminine and Masculine

Alyson talks about two themes, in particular, that are going to run through her stories in the upcoming weeks and months – basketball and females. More specifically…what it means to be a strong, ‘feminine’ woman as opposed to a strong, ‘masculine’ woman.

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Story of Alyson’s Best Athletic Memory

Alyson tells the story (an ‘Alyson story’) of Canton vs. Ladywood – District Championship Game. Friday, November 19, 1993 – 7pm – Northville HIgh School gymnasium. Greatest athletic memory of my entire life achieved with one of the most powerful, amazing, beautiful groups of people with whom I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my life.

Words alone could never…EVER…be enough to explain how much I LOVED every minute with you all. Quite literally…you saved my life. Without Canton High School basketball and all the people that were in my life as a result of that program, there is a good chance I would not be here today.

I never could have actually hurt myself…I don’t think…but I got very, very close a number of times in late high school. It was always someone or something pertaining to this family – my basketball family – that kept me from following through with very scary thoughts.

After all of these years, very few memories have come even remotely close to the ones I have of us and ALL the love we shared! Thank you so very, very much for being an ENORMOUS example of the greatest power of all – unconditional love. I was lost after leaving high school without that love in my world. It took me 16 years to do it but I found it! I found my way back. I found my way back to love and now…now…I can do what it is I am meant to do in this life. You all are a HUGE part of me! I love you very, very much!

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Introducing the “New” Evolt

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