Aligning to #4

(Originally written on 11-30-15)

Year 4 began today.

4 & I have an amazing relationship. I trust the energy of 4 more than any other number. The reason for this dates back to Christmas vacation, 6th grade, when my Uncle Joe made a young, sports-obsessed, 12-yr old tomboy’s dreams come true. (more…)

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Riding the Wave of Creation

No-edit, in-the-NOW-moment, 100% stream of consciousness response to a new friend’s FB message on 7/4/15.  I believe this communication was intended for more than my new friend, which is why I am sharing.  Thank you…from the absolute essence of my soul, HS, for it is now insanely clear how big a role your energy was intended to play in my life.  Thank you very, very much for initiating our most recent correspondence and re-igniting my Light. (more…)

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Changing Focus to the Positive

I just wanted to get this post at the very top of this tab simply to explain, briefly for now, what I meant by changing focus.

Quite simply, it is to encourage all of us to find the positive in any and every situation as much as possible. I’ve mentioned before that one of the simplest, and I believe most effective change we can all make, is to turn off the news. More often than not, our mainstream media is only perpetuating negativity, hatred, and blame. Please consider doing just this one thing in your personal lives. You will not believe how big a difference this alone will make.

positive 1

That is all for now on ‘Changing Focus’. Also note…I am working to place all of my previously posted material under the most appropriate new categories.

I thank you for your patience.

Alyson 🙂

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Exercise with Aly…Just a Preview

I am preparing to begin a video series with a specific exercise/fitness intention. Often times, we just need one other person to motivate/inspire us to do certain things that we know are good for us, but just aren’t yet habits. So a little extra help is needed…a little push. I am intending to be that support – that one person. If you go from no movement to 10 minutes a day of moving your body, that is a significant change because it will gain momentum more quickly than you expect. It will get easier every day. And very likely, more enjoyable as you FEEL the difference.

(Recorded on 7/16/13)

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