Exercise, Body Image, & Eating (Part 1)

In this video, I barely scratch the surface of this very powerful trio, particularly in women’s lives. I begin to explain how exercise and fitness went from being something I absolutely loved in my life to something that I used to abuse myself. While I don’t go into the particular story here, I mention how my experience as a Division I collegiate athlete was unexpectedly & ironically the specific time when this trio became a perfect storm – setting the stage for my 20s & early 30s. (Part 1 of 2)

(Recorded on 7/16/13)

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Exercise with Aly…Just a Preview

I am preparing to begin a video series with a specific exercise/fitness intention. Often times, we just need one other person to motivate/inspire us to do certain things that we know are good for us, but just aren’t yet habits. So a little extra help is needed…a little push. I am intending to be that support – that one person. If you go from no movement to 10 minutes a day of moving your body, that is a significant change because it will gain momentum more quickly than you expect. It will get easier every day. And very likely, more enjoyable as you FEEL the difference.

(Recorded on 7/16/13)

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Drumming to ‘Hallelujah Shri Ram’

I drum along as Krishna Das sings, ‘Hallelujah Shri Ram’. The increasing tempo of many of KD’s songs as they proceed make them distinct & unique (and often, quite long). Personally, I find that aspect of his music to be the most appealing part. I feel a shift within me when the song moves to that next upbeat tempo. It’s incredible!

(Recorded on 7/10/13)

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My Personal Networks & World Peace

In this video I begin to discuss a few of the hugely influential and powerful networks to which I belong. The networks mentioned here include my various University of South Florida networks, including USF Athletics, the Kosove Society, and the Alumni Association. If I can really get their attention, which I do have already, but I mean REALLY get their attention…this would be an amazing jump start to my World Peace efforts.

(Recorded on 7/11/13)

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