Living the Greatest Love Story (Part 3)

The writing of “the Letter” to my Dad would end up being the first & biggest release of my conscious healing process. Almost immediately following the freeing of all this negativity, I found myself needing to fill – with something – all of this new emptiness within me. I was indeed “lighter” but the emptiness felt almost as scary as the darkness. I sought solace at the bookstore. Instinctively I was drawn to the spiritual/religious section & without much thought, found myself, over the next 2 months, devouring books spanning the gamut of beliefs. Among many topics, I read about the concept of soul planning. Here I begin to discuss how this led me directly to forgiveness.

(Recorded on 7/16/13)

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Living the Greatest Love Story (Part 2)

In the months leading up to the writing of this very important letter to my Dad, I had had some fairly profound realizations about myself. These included: analysis of my history in therapy; how I used blind achieving to metaphorically run from the disaster that was my life; and, finally admitting that nothing else mattered to me than finding happiness. Also mentioned is yet another spoke of my Achieving World Peace in One Year’s Time – explaining the power of sustaining one’s self doing something one loves.

(Recorded on 7/16/13)

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Living the Greatest Love Story (Part 1)

This video represents the very beginning of the telling of this story. Why and how is it the “greatest” love story ever? Because it is far beyond the traditional love stories we imagine…ones that include ‘couples’. This is the story of discovering the greatest love in the world – the One Love that ultimately connects us all. And you can’t feel and live that love until you find self love. This is the beginning of how I found that self love.

(Recorded on 7/16/13)

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Exercise, Body Image, & Eating (Part 2)

In this video, I speak in greater detail about this very powerful trio that tends to adversely and disproportionately affect females. Addressing these issues honestly & directly, as I begin to do from a first-hand experience, represents an enormous part of being able to make progress towards World Peace. As women, we MUST begin to work together. And it begins with being able to fully accept & love ourselves.

(Recorded on 7/16/13)

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