Complete Clarity

This was recorded within minutes of a profound realization hitting me.  The same one I referenced in my last podcast – The Last of the Convincing.  It finally hit me in a manner that I heard loud and clear – I don’t have a thing to prove to anyone…not ever again. This new Game out in the world is very, very real.  And I understand it very, very well.  And I’ve been living it to an extent that a VERY small percentage of people have lived it.  And you get to decide whether or not and to what extent you want to use this ridiculous miracle that is our human body, to play this new Game.  You get to make that choice.

Because I will say again…we haven’t even scratched the surface of this co-creating power that I learned of less than 2 1/2 yrs ago.  We haven’t even begun to see what we can create together.  I am RIGHT on the leading edge.  The absolute leading edge and I am more confident about being here than I’ve been about any other place in my life.  I am inviting anyone and everyone to follow until you are able to learn the Game well enough to lead yourself and others.  It’s your choice.

(Recorded on 7/23/13)

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The Last of the Convincing

I was awoken from sleep at 5:20 in the morning and stumbled out of bed to record this. I know now, almost a week later, that this was to be the beginning of a VERY big, shifting-my-energy day. Starting with this podcast…right out of of a dead sleep, my prayers of guidance were answered. While feeling less than positive, I recorded this and what ended up being 16 videos and decided to share them all. Through this process, 24 hours later, the revelation hit me.

I needed to stop trying to prove anything or convince anyone of anything. I have never, EVER been more certain of who I am, what I am doing, where I am going, how I am living, and how to best interact with this amazing world to reach my full potential and to help others reach theirs. And in order for my life to show this, to the extent that it is about to show it, which will then catapult me into my New Story, I had to let go 100% of ALL of these old-paradigm, mainstream world, perfectionist, competitive, fear-based, money-focused, convincing, proving energies of my past. I KNOW what I am about to do. I’ve known it for 31 years. I don’t have a thing to prove to anyone…not ever, ever again.

(Recorded on 7/22/13)

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Mainstream Beliefs (As Defined By What We Tell Kids)

In this podcast, I only begin to scratch the surface on the topic of mainstream beliefs vs. non-mainstream beliefs. I speak to the topic based on my own efforts (until 35 years old) to fit into what I perceived to be the mainstream world. While you will likely find many different “definitions” of this world, when I speak of it I will be referencing what I believe has been perpetuated as the American Dream…the most desired path…what we (as parents, teachers, AND as a society) encourage our kids to strive for in the world. There will be MUCH more to come on the aspects of mainstream I only graze here – going to college, how to pursue work, and the extreme focus on external things like money, prestige, and material things.

(Recorded on 7/20/13)

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Universal Law of Attraction Explained

What manifests as our observable “reality” is a direct result of this universal law. Not only do your outward behaviors (actions, words, thoughts) contribute to what you create for your life, but so do the beliefs you hold at your very core. From my personal experience, these are not very well known to us – the foundation of our personal beliefs of life – due to all of our numbing with addictions (work, exercise, food, alcohol, drugs, sex, TV) and in our world of outward appearance always trumping our own voice/Truth. The great news, however, is that we get to choose every single day if we want our lives to remain the same or if we want to create something different. And it begins with one thing…making your happiness the absolute most important thing.

(Recorded on 7/19/13)

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