Krishna Das (KD) singing ‘Hare Krishna’. Many of KD’s songs begin very slowly and pick up significantly as the song progresses. Personally, that has been one of the most powerful aspects of KD’s music. It is very moving to me and I will begin to include full versions of his generally, very long songs, for the simple fact that the energy coming through my singing, dancing, and/or drumming along is 100% genuine and completely in the moment of recording – ALL to music that moves me more than anything at present in my life & that is currently the only fuel source I have keeping me moving forward.
(Recorded on 7/9/13 and unfortunately, my camera self-edited and this is still not the entire song. I will be doing a complete recording of this song, in particular, when the “right” moment next presents itself.)
Learn MoreAs I listen & sing along with Phil Collins, I may not be thinking of a person but the general sentiments are very much describing my life right at this very moment. As each day passes, my odds increase as I get more and more out there beginning to explain my vision. But right now…I am like Rudy. And my time is coming very soon to run out for that one play & in doing so…with just a small thing…igniting a shit ton of hope & faith into others.
Learn MoreKrishna Das (KD) singing Baba Hanuman. I’m just going with the music here as I sing, move, and ‘air drum’ at the end.
(Recorded on 7/9/13)
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