“Raw Music Skills with Athleticism & Creativity” (The Call to Artistic Teammates)

What will ultimately be a 9-video piece, “Raw Music Skills with Athleticism & Creativity”, more than anything, is a call out to potential partners.  For over a year, I have envisioned creating a unique “show”.  I want to take the best of an (more…)

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“To ‘Matt’ – My Muse & Inspiration” (The Love Story)

A 21-video piece, “To ‘Matt’ – My Muse & Inspiration”, tells the very specific love story of my life.  My Old Story, from age 15 on, was characterized by attractions to and with boys/men who were like me – desperately wanting, more than anything, a complete, intimate relationship but, for one reason or another, ‘unavailable’.  This recurring relationship scenario left me living my romantic dreams vicariously through films, television, and my own creations in my mind. (more…)

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“Finding My Voice” (The Whole Story)

What will ultimately be a 24-video piece, “Finding My Voice” tells my story…on MANY levels… through the performance of songs that ALL hold very specific, personal meanings.  Every song…practically every lyric…the order in which they are presented…who and what is going through my heart and mind as I sing along to and express my own identification & experience with the sentiments being conveyed by each artist…the emotion is very real. (more…)

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How Music Guided Me Home

I never believed anything would move me to the extent that athletics did for so many years in my old Story.  But sports and fitness, after a traumatic college playing experience, stopped serving me positively in my early 20s.  From that point on, I began using exercise to punish myself.  For the better part of the next decade, I was an exercise bulimic that then merged into binge eating all partnered with a body image issue that had me abhoring myself physically from head to toes. (more…)

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