Life Still Happens

Do I write about this or do I not?  It is a great example to share to help remind folks that you aren’t some super-human out here unaffected by the harsh realities that absolutely exist in our still largely fear-motivated, ego-based world.  However, it isn’t exactly positive yet…you haven’t allowed yourself enough time to work through all the emotions.  That’s because you promised a date – again…you did it to yourself again.  Your readers are expecting you to release it all today.  YOU are dying to release it all today.  You NEED to release it all today.  But you can’t release the new web page from a place of these energies.  You can’t release it until you have the associated blog post.  You can’t write the associated blog post when you are still processing the shocking news you received only 12 hours ago.  You aren’t in the mindset of your new Game place.  You aren’t yet able to move your focus to all the positive of this new situation.  And you know how you are, Alyson…very, very conscious about the Light you are trying to spread.  You don’t like putting anything negative out there.  But…

slide12…I’m walloped.

I will be fine.  All the plans are still going to be fine.  The nature of my next 9 days changes a bit, but everything is okay.  However…this was a big thing upon which lots was seemingly dependent.  It is just a house.  And I can find another in which to do all that I have planned and I will…quickly.  But…I can’t explain all that was triggered with this news last night.  I can’t.  There are no words.  Not after all else I had pushed through as I prepared to launch this very important, very necessary (for me to get out there) web page.  Literally hours before the next big step for this journey and I am hit with a reversed decision.  Completely unexpected & unreal given the details.  Unreal.

The strength…the courage…to pursue such a vision…to heed such a call…to continue to listen to my heart and follow my soul…in a world where many, many are not doing so and consequently, cannot possibly, remotely comprehend what that entails…I am walloped.  I am overwhelmed with loneliness today and I am a bit battered.

I know well enough – VERY well enough how the Universe works.  I know that this decision is actually a massive blessing.  This is similar, though, to the example I referenced just a few posts ago about losing a job.  In this old game, gut reaction is that this is a bad thing.  When in actuality, ‘bad’ things can always be turned around and looked at as the opportunities they are should you wish to see them as such.  And this is the case with everything.  ANY setback can immediately be flipped on its head and turned into an opportunity for growth, if for nothing else…ANY.  But…depending on the setback, some mourning may be appropriate.

I need to mourn this today.  And it isn’t for me.  Perhaps, a little bit for me because I love that house but I’m not planning to live here full-time.  I am meant to be here to launch.  I am meant to affect a lot of lives here.  But I am working my way back to Seattle as my primary base.  This will be the east-coast headquarters – that isn’t changing.  But, I am not needing to mourn this for me.

slide16I am mourning for others and for the home itself, as silly as that may sound.  And therein lies my area of weakness…always has been…wanting more for people than they desire for themselves.  In this case, I wanted WAY more for that home than those did with whom the decision resided.  And that is okay.  That is fine.  I wholly accept the news.  In fact, I am thankful for this was the Universe’s way of telling me that this situation was not what was going to be the best use of my resources.  I am extremely grateful to already see many of the lessons able to be gained from all of this.  But…it does deserve the 12 hours (minus 4 of sleeping) of me processing the fact that all I had built in my mind for that place is now not going to be taking place there.

This has been and always will be nothing but real.  Honest, genuine, and real.  That is all I’ve ever been and that is all I know how to be.  I was reminded again last night that NOTHING is stopping me.  Because I cannot live in this old-paradigm world.  I cannot live in a world where logic – plain and simple logic has gone out the window.  I am not working to convince anyone of anything.  I was tested this week like never before.  On so many levels, that I’m not quite sure I will believe it myself when I look back upon this time.  And I did it.  I pushed through every single situation and every unbelievably intense emotion.  I had conversations that would have been almost impossible for me even just months ago.  The growth taking place is simply insane.  And as I am learning, this expansion is necessary and very much the next logical step given where my journey has me at present.

In order to build the bridge to the new Earth I am helping to create, I must play in this old Game for a little bit longer.  The bridge is coming from this old Game and I am still getting established in the place where it needs to begin – the here and now, which is dark and getting darker.  I need to play on this limited, somber field for just a little while more.  I feel obligated to put enough out there for folks to determine whether or not it is their time to play.  After this web page is released (today, tomorrow, whenever I get it done) that is all the convincing I am doing.  If you can’t hear, see, feel what I have going on, that is okay.  But I have to stop trying to work so hard to convince and instead do what I know I need to do – TRUST.  Trust and believe that the energies that are ready will find me and my business and that I will receive everything I need.  Because I am the real deal and I have no need for those not able or willing to be equally as real.




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Introducing the Dream Team – (and Calling MANY Others)

Introducing the Dream Team – It’s All About the Love

If you are not in a place of 100% self-acceptance & love within yourself right now…today…than you have no clue yet how unbelievably powerful you are.  If you are still out there gettin’ it done in this crazy-ass world and you hate yourself to any extent…well done!  I am being completely serious.  Pat yourself on the back instead of beating yourself up.

Body_Image_for_Sale_by_musickscapesEspecially if you are a woman.  ESPECIALLY if you are a woman!  We have been our own worst enemies for far too long – within ourselves and to one another, ladies.  Remember, I suffered from eating disorders and body image problems from ages 10-36.  I know self-hate inside and out.  My full potential stored away for decades as I stressed all day, every day, about how I looked on the outside.  There may have been periods of time when it wasn’t at the forefront of my mind, but the horrible mental messages I sent to myself during the times when it was…they were almost enough to keep me down for the count in this life.  Almost.

Many of you (men & women) are still watching that TV & it affects us, folks.  It does.  And don’t kid yourself…very, very bright people are behind everything on TV.  Psychology & marketing – when utilized with darkness as the motive, it is damaging to our cores.  There is a concentrated effort to make you feel a very specific way.  And ladies…we are still very much defined by how we look on the outside.  It keeps us down.  It keeps ALL of us down – men & women.  I am only beginning to see now with my own example to what extent it hinders our best and I am telling you…it is hugely significant!  But only if we allow it to be.

We have been allowing it for a very long time because that was our conditioning.  It is time to recondition ourselves in the opposite direction.  These are the times to support one another like never before.  The world is out of balance and what it needs more than anything is a huge dose of some feminine energy.  Not the feminine energy that needs to act like a man for fear of not continuing to rise up the ladder…not that constricted feminine energy.  I mean the real stuff.  Allow yourself to begin to lose the fear of bringing your WHOLE self to your world.  Begin to believe that you can trust it.  You won’t get fired.  And if you do…it will prove to have been the most perfect thing for you at the time.  Ladies…the heart is the thing that we generally get a little better than the guys.  This is our role.  This is our time.  Begin to allow yourself to believe.  But know that it begins with believing that you are perfect and beautiful right now…today.

And guys…this doesn’t leave you out of the picture.  Not freakin’ at all.  It is time for you all to step up and be the men we need you to be.  It takes an incredibly amazing man to accept a strong, independent, intelligent, bright, gifted woman.  It takes strength and confidence and absolutely self-love.  It takes courage, guys, to allow yourselves to open up your hearts.  You can do it.  And I guarantee there are women (and men) in your life right now who would do back-flips if you began to allow yourself to believe that part of being a man is being sensitive, caring, and communicative.  You can do it!  However, with your gender, it begins with the ego…for all of us, but this effects men (generally) more so than women.

You must begin to let down that ego, fellas.  It is not going to serve you well in this new Game.  Believe it or not, it has already begun to work against you so it’s best you hear that now so you aren’t as surprised later when there will be more evidence to prove this claim.  And on top of that, guys, in general, be prepared for the fact that in these times women are going to tend to pick up on this game a little bit more quickly because of how we are wired.  It isn’t an insult…it is simply fact.  I know, though, how much you men hate being out-done by a woman.  I used to feed off of it as an athlete – nothing was better than beating a guy on the field or court.  However, remember there exists no competition in this new Game.  No competition.  No judgement.  Just expanding.


We all must learn to break away from the very limiting belief of competition.  It isn’t about being better or worse anymore.  It is about recognizing the full value of people.  If you can allow yourself to believe that even if you are some high-powered dude (or woman) in your place of work, that you have something to be gained from this new perspective, you may be shocked to see how much further you can go in this life.  But it will likely be a woman who points this out to you.  And in general, very few high powered men out there know how to handle that role.

As for that matter, very few bad-ass women know how to accept anything these days from a man…or from a woman.  And hear me on this…in my life, I only know bad-ass women.  Every single woman in my life is intensely powerful.  The problem is that not very many of them are fully aware of it yet.  It makes sense.  Law of Attraction.  For 32 years of my life I was sending out bad-ass woman vibes, to be sure.  However, I was also sending out ‘I-don’t-really-accept/believe-how-bad-ass-I-am vibes’.  Consequently, my life (especially up until 2010) has been full of women for whom the same is true.

I literally could list dozens of women in my world who, on the surface are some of the most accomplished, amazing, individuals who still don’t believe it to their core.  To them I say…you are not going to believe your power when you allow yourself to FINALLY take care of you first.  Divine selfishness.  It’s like in an airplane when they give you that spiel about the oxygen.  You put your mask on first before assisting others.  Ladies…it is long overdue for you to truly take care of yourself first.  You will be infinitely more powerful to everyone & everything in your world…infinitely, if you stop long enough to allow yourself to ask the questions…’what is it that I really want?’  ‘What would fulfill me like nothing else?’  And it will take longer than a mani/pedi to hear the answers to these questions.  However, there is value out the yin-yang in gifting yourself the time and opportunity you require in order to hear them.  More value than your mind can even begin to comprehend right now.

kelly art

Phaedra Woodburning by Kelly Johnston

We are so hell-bent on proving that we can do it all, that we are running around expending our energies in just about the least efficient ways possible.  We rarely ask for help and beat ourselves up if we appear weak or out of control in any situation.  We have ourselves backed into a nice little corner and we are feeling the stress of that constriction.  Of course, we are!  We aren’t meant to be doing it all on our own!  Yes…we are very, very capable.  WE know how capable we are.  That isn’t the issue.  So let’s stop trying to prove something – to ourselves and to the men.  Let’s realign…let’s create the opportunities that make our spirits soar in order to funnel these immense capabilities much, much, MUCH more efficiently.  And we’ll take everyone in our lives with us.  Everyone goes higher if you take care of you first – everyone!

I am a bit surprised that I was guided to write these posts today from this perspective.  It wasn’t planned.  But this makes sense.  I hesitate only because as you know, I am not a fan of pigeon-holing anyone based on anything.  So talking, albeit generally, about women and men above…it makes me pause.  Most especially because I found it difficult to write the above without sounding like I support only heterosexism, which couldn’t be further from the truth.  Energies are connecting in our world right now like never before.  I couldn’t care less about who is attracted to whom.  If you feel love, go for it because if it is rooted in love, it can’t be wrong…not possible.  These times are about following the heart.  THAT is what I support!

There are definite scientific differences in the way male and female brains operate.  It truly isn’t an exaggeration or being used as a  metaphor when I say that due to wiring issues, women are going to tend to be more open, sooner to the changes of these times than men.  This is fact.  However, to what I am referring is more so about how all of us interact with one another.  Because, in case you didn’t notice, even if you are in a committed relationship, you exist in the world with lots and lots of other people.  You exchange energy with anyone with whom you come into contact.  And this new Game is all about energy.  Our complete energies and how those interact out in the world.

Up until this point, I have been shooting solo on my end of the court.  I’ve been learning.  I’ve been observing.  And I’ve been talking…God knows I’ve been talking.  But I didn’t have many teammates.  I didn’t know exactly how to get them.  This is a Game that you can’t explain well with words.  And my outer proof was only beginning to come into the picture.  I had a little credibility but even with my VERY like-minded friends here in Sarasota, I was still not able to communicate the extent to which I believed I understood this new Game.  I couldn’t express yet how I truly believed that we all…we ALL were going to benefit.

I knew that it wasn’t just my dream about to come true…that I was taking anyone who was ready to go with me but I still hadn’t found the players that were ready.  Believe me…this Dream Team is the tip of the freakin’ iceberg – an amazing tip, to be sure, but just the tip.  I have hundreds and hundreds of potential players in my life right now.  And as soon as there is a little more “proof”, the next tier of them are going to reveal themselves.  In fact, some of them will recognize their projects on the website tomorrow.  They will know I am referring to them.

They know they are almost ready because they have been feeling it and I’ve been trying to encourage them to explore those feelings, not fear them.  Follow them and trust.  But I know.  I know.  You needed to see more.  Well, I’ve definitely got more for you!  And for the tons of you others out there who are feeling that same nagging itch in your gut.  You know you are ready…you just need something.  Something that at least resembles this old-paradigm so that you could begin to understand.  I know.  I know.  I’ve been trying.  And finally…the pieces all came together.  It couldn’t be more beautiful.  These next 5 months are going to be the most incredible of my life.  I have never trusted and loved like I am doing now.  Never.  And I have never been so sure about anything in my life.

Finally…it is time for you to meet Julia, Rob Life & Norinda Red, Sage & Grady Reinagle, and Nicole.  They all became the first beneficiaries of Alyson Irene Noune, LLC one week ago.  They are my Dream Team.  Together, we are going to change the world.  No doubt about it!

To be continued…within the next couple of hours.  🙂

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Introducing the Dream Team – It’s All About the Love

Love.  This absolutely all comes down to love.  Happiness is our indicator, yes.  But when you are living a life that you truly love, this will result in happiness.  So the key, then, is finding out what you truly love.  Who you truly love.  And to create a life that allows you to focus on those things and to be with those people as much as possible.  And most importantly…to trust and believe that you (and your family) will be taken care of if you follow your heart.

images (5)It is a cruel test of the times in which we are living that while this is what, at some level, we ALL crave at present, we have been conditioned to believe that it is too good to be true.  That this cannot exist.  That there is no way you can support yourself, let alone thrive, if you do what you love for work.  No way.  Work is supposed to be hard.  You are meant to put in your time doing a lot of what you don’t like for the chance that at some point down the line, you may finally get to do the type of work you love & be paid for it.  Or what if the work of your dreams is completely different from what you are doing now?  What if it makes you appear “less” than the status of your job at present?  What then?

There is never ‘too late’ in this new Game.  There is never only ‘one opportunity of a lifetime’.  The opportunities are constantly coming – they are simply waiting for you to allow yourself to see them as such.  They will keep coming – rest assured.  They may look differently each time, but they are always coming into your life.  When you are ready, they will be there.  And if you are not yet ready to open your mind to any of this, that is okay.  But if you are reading these words…whether you know it or not, you have opened your mind at least a crack.  You will know when the crack begins to open wider.  Trust me.

It’s all about the belief you want to hold.  If you want to believe it isn’t possible to be paid to do EXACTLY what you would dream to do for a job, than it isn’t.  If, however, you want to believe it IS possible, than it is.  You may need to condition yourself to fully reach that 100% belief in it being possible, but I assure you, it is indeed possible.  I am living proof of this.

I’ve consciously been ‘testing’ it these past 2 years.  The Universe has not failed a single time…not once.  And on October 14, 2012, the Universe tested me.  Was I in or was I out?  How much did I really believe in all of this?  How much did I really want this?  Was I going back to work for someone else for another year or had I seen enough “proof”?  No one else could yet see the “proof” but I could and that was why it was the toughest test of my life thus far.  I was being asked if I was going to keep believing in the dream inside of me that was very much unfolding with every indication that it would only continue to do so, in the face of not yet having any real substantial proof to show anyone else.  This was it…an opportunity…was I catching this boat or was I going to wait for the next one?

Know how long it took me to make the call when the Universe belted me with this completely unexpected situation?  It took about 10 seconds.  Everything about my situation had gone from known to unknown in a minute’s time, yet I hesitated for only 10 seconds.  I had no clue what I was going to do.  Not a single detail of what I am about to reveal to you tomorrow was formally in place as of 10/14/13.  Not one.  Other than my webmaster, my #1.  She was already in place and you will soon see that was actually HUGE!  But, at the moment of this Universal test, nothing of what has become Alyson Irene Noune, LLC was determined…not even the name.

I did what I have learned to do every single day for the past two years…I took the next logical step.  I rented a car and I got myself to Sarasota.  It is all about the energy and there is no doubt I was drawn back to FL by the energy of this city and those I love in this city.  Within an hour of arriving here, a new sub-vision for my grander vision of changing the world was born.  It was that fast.  I knew immediately that this was all I had been waiting for.  This was it!  I knew it and I also knew that I was absolutely ready for it.  I had no clue what the hell “it” was going to look like and I could have NEVER predicted what has transpired.  I just instinctively knew I was ready to trust my intuition completely…no matter what!  And why?  Because I was 100% certain that it was rooted in love.  There was now no more fear.  I had leaped completely and never had I felt stronger!

tree_of_life_by_soul7-d33p94bIt will take years to share all of the beautiful stories of how not accidental it all is.  The incredible stories of interactions, correspondences, occurrences, ideas, thoughts, and emotions and the interconnectedness of it all in our lives.  I didn’t believe any of this at first either.  But it didn’t take very long at all to condition myself to be able to believe it because it just rang true.  Once I slowed down, stopped running, & allowed myself to chill out, I felt it…intuitively.  I just felt the energy of the belief.  There are no words.  This transcends words.  It goes beyond our minds.  This is the heart, baby!  This new Earth is rooted in the heart and I have learned quickly that there is no force in this world greater than that which comes from the heart…love.

Don’t worry if this still sounds like a bunch of woo-woo to you.  You are ready when you are ready.  We all have our role right now and every role is equally valuable.  No worries & no judgments.  Just watch me & my team over the course of these next few months and I will give you the “proof” that I know you still need to see to believe.  We aren’t about to do any of this because we are trying to prove anything – this game isn’t played like that.  But it will.  What these next 5-6 months will prove is going to change the world.  I know it!!

The mind has been guiding us for quite awhile now and it has had its time to shine.  It has done its part and helped us achieve and accomplish amazing things.  However, with darkness and fear guiding the powerful results of our mind-driven world, we have all the indication we need to see that the mind’s tenure has termed out.  Different energies are meant to serve as the most effective during these times.  These awakening times of the Light call for a new leader.  The new leader is the heart and all of the beautiful, valuing energies associated with love, forgiveness, appreciation, gratitude, and cooperation are this leader’s apostles.

It is indeed a whole new ball game.  To what extent it is new in your life will depend on how much you have already allowed your heart into your day-to-day living.  Me?  Mine was absolutely crushed at 19.  I subconsciously told myself I wasn’t ever again going to experience that much pain.  So I had unknowingly capped my love and thus, my power.  While I didn’t feel as if I had a ceiling on the amount of love I was willing to give out, I realized I had indeed imposed a ceiling on myself.  How?  Because I was limiting the amount of love I was allowing in – beginning with the love of myself.

I had nothing but about 95% hate of myself up until 2 years ago.  I was completely incapable of allowing true love into my soul with all of this self-hate.  I was keeping at bay the most powerful force in the universe out of fear.  Fear of being vulnerable.  Fear of being truly seen.  Fear of being worthy.  Fear of being deserving.  I was terrified of the thing I wanted most in my life…a life full of love.

But what I wasn’t seeing was that all I had to do was turn the coin over.  I just had to slightly shift my perspective.  I had a TON of love in my life!  A TON!  At the time, I was still hurt & frustrated because I was seeking it from specific people who just weren’t yet capable of giving it to me in the way I thought I wanted and needed it.  Not because they don’t feel it.  Simply because they too struggle with loving & accepting themselves and therefore, they struggle with knowing how to express this crazy beautiful emotion.

But it wasn’t that I didn’t have love in my life.  I did!  As I really began to open my eyes, I had ridiculous amounts of love in my life.  In fact, it was overwhelming.  First, I couldn’t believe it was that easy – to just change the object of my focus and secondly, to discover how much I was missing in my living.  If you aren’t loving, you aren’t living.  And you don’t need a spouse, a significant other, kids, or even a pet to experience this in your life.  You will see, feel, and experience love everywhere when you take that all-important step of loving yourself first.  Then, and only then, will you begin to see what your true capabilities are in this life.  Your full potential lies down a journey based in love not fear…there is no doubt about it!

It is only now, within the past 1-2 months that I am truly beginning to see how much power I was capping.  What can be accomplished when you allow yourself to feel and be love in every area of your life as much as possible is simply incredible!  To trust others (who are ready) with all that you are and know they are doing the same with you.  To expand the definitions and the boundaries of this love and how it can be shown and shared.  I will say again…you are not going to be able to yet believe what can be done when it is rooted in love and added to beliefs of abundance and cooperation.  If what I have done in only 3 months doesn’t make you take pause to believe I am onto something, just want until June.  Give us 5 months.  It will take no longer than 5 months.  It is all about the love!

To be continued…this one looks to be a 3-parter.  Sorry…generally, I don’t know until I sit down to write how long it will be or what direction it will take.  Should only be a couple of hours until the next segment is completed.


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Renaissance 2013 – Part 2

Renaissance 2013 – Part 1

Given my Catholic raising, I never read the Bible myself but I am fairly certain that Jesus was about lack of judgement.  I am pretty sure he was about accepting everyone – no matter what.  Jesus was definitely about peace.  And he was most certainly about trust & love.  Jesus didn’t pick and choose – it doesn’t work like that.  You can’t support life in one situation and then support death in another and affirm consistency.  You can’t claim to be following his example while simultaneously discriminating – against anyone for anything.  It doesn’t work like that.  That isn’t the Truth.  I won’t live in a world where I will more likely be attacked for what I just wrote than others out there in their official robes & in their official positions influencing beliefs that couldn’t be further from Jesus’ message.  Nope.  Illogical.

Something has gone awry when we are incapable as a society of recognizing such obvious inconsistencies and not being able to just firmly state them as such.  Because this comes down to straight logic.  It doesn’t matter your specific belief about anything of which I’ve been writing.  This is about being a thinking person & agreeing as thinking people with the truth of the logic.  For example, you cannot have a health care system that claims to have as its goal making people well when it profits more when they are sick.  Illogical.  You cannot have a prison system that claims to be rehabilitating people when statistics show nothing of the sort.  Given that it too has become largely privatized, this shouldn’t be surprising.  There exists much greater financial incentive to keep the prisons full rather than to truly help those who land there in a manner that will result in them not landing there again – the exact opposite exists in our prison system at present.  Illogical.

There is no longer a need for a discussion over so many things because the absurdity of the massive levels of hypocrisy existing in all areas of our society makes it unnecessary.  Simple logic is all one needs to follow in order to come to very necessary conclusions.  Sadly, however, we are graduating less and less high school students each year that have the ability to comprehend basic logic.  Inductive & deductive reasoning skills are not possessed by significantly large numbers of our society.  Consequently, a smaller and smaller percentage of folks have this sort of intellect required to keep those in power honest.  And it isn’t because they aren’t smart.  It is because, as I experienced, they are already 3 years behind by the time they are in 6th grade!!!  The majority of my first year students had a 3rd grade level of comprehension.  How was it possible that they were already 3 years behind?  Illogical!

With the system set up as it is, there was no way these kids were ever going to catch up – statistically, speaking.  But even in the educational system, I couldn’t speak up without punishment.  Nope.  My honest desire to try to create an environment best for the students made me threatening because it threatened the system.  They made me the department chair in my 2nd year, thus indicating they recognized my gifts and wanted to capitalize but only so far.  As soon as I did what leaders do, they blacklisted me.

Like I said, there is no way to explain with logic what I kept experiencing in my life.  How could I continue to try to fit into these obviously broken systems?  And why?  I was not being motivated by positions or titles or money or material possessions & I still wasn’t “succeeding”.  All I was trying to find in the world up until 2008 was a place where I could use my gifts and talents to my fullest potential in work that was challenging and fulfilling.  Who could have imagined that would be so difficult?  When the non-profit schools demonstrated to be no better than the corporations I knew the situation was indeed dire.  However, I had no idea where to go next or what to do.  No accident that at this exact low time of my life, I landed here in Sarasota.  The fast track of finding my way out of the madness began here 4 1/2 years ago.

turn_off_the_tvI began to check out of the fear-based world when I made the conscious decision to turn off the TV in mid 2008.  And I’ve been slowly checking out ever since.  Slowly, until I began to realize in February of 2011 that I had the power to actually create the world I wanted for myself.  After taking some months to adjust to that truth, I had to decide what kind of world I wanted.  What did my dream world look like?  I hadn’t really considered the likelihood of this ever happening so it took awhile to remember all I had dreamed about for the previous 30 years.  This is what I found I desired for my “reality” – my world – my bubble.

I want to live in a world where I can trust freely.  Where I can love freely.  Where I can be freely.  Where I can discover & share all that I am knowing that no one is judging me or threatened by me simply because I have been born with all the capabilities I possess.  I want to be in a world where I am not limited, constricted, or bound any longer.  I want to live where there is only cooperation because everyone knows there is no lack – only abundance.  I want to live in a world where I get to work and play with people who are also living in this manner.  It is so much easier, much more fun, unbelievably creative and way less damaging emotionally because everyone in this world must be real.  You can only play in this game by being you.  Lovingly, but unapologetically, you!  You in the most fearless & trusting of ways!

No ass-kissing here.  No ‘try to be who you think your boss wants you to be’ garbage in this new Game.  I want to be with people who understand that we are here to thrive and to help one another and to enjoy life NOT to struggle endlessly.  I want to be with people who understand that if you’ve had the opportunity to thrive more than others you have gifts that you can share with them to help them get to where you are at.  Likewise, people who recognize that those same less fortunate folks have just as much value in the world.  The lessons they can teach to those who have had less of a struggle are actually invaluable because they have been ignored as having any value what-so-ever for so long.

I want to live in a world with friends who know this Truth and who are just as eager as me to light other guiding lights for there is a lot of darkness out there right now and we need all the light we can get.  We must begin with the brightest, which is to say the ones living their truth to the greatest extent possible.  Those are the individuals with an energy that changes worlds.  Those are the energies we are going to find, connect, and create with.  I want to be surrounded by friends who are just as excited to help those who are still living in so much dark because we can and because that is our responsibility – to ourselves and to one another for we are all connected.

I want to live with people who trust and love as I trust and love – treating one another with the respect & understanding that we never intend to hurt the other but when we do we should be able to talk about it honestly, forgive and move beyond.  I want to live with people who have the ability to communicate honestly beginning with themselves.  I want to live with others who learn to have no expectations of or conditions on those in their lives.  I want to be encircled in my work and play with friends that know it is not anyone else’s job to make them happy other than their own.  I want to be with others who understand and use their power from a place rooted in nothing but love.

dreamcatcher andrew jonesMostly, I want to live in a world where I support and am supported in all new ways by those I love and trust.  It matters not what our blood relation is or isn’t.  It matters not what our ethnic background is or isn’t.  It matters not for how long or how little time we’ve been friends.  It matters only that we love, respect, and see value & beauty in all aspects of life without labeling or judging anyone or anything as better or worse.  It is all about the energy and I want my world to be one of as much positive, creative, loving energy as possible.  This is the world of which I would like to be a part.

I am only now unleashing all the chains that were bounding me for 3 decades.  I have no idea what is going to continue to come out of me but I can tell you that I will not be chained any longer.  My spirit cannot take it.  I was blaming the world my entire adult life for the chains until I realized I had my own freakin’ set of keys to unlike them!!  I discovered that we get to call ‘mercy’.  When we want the pain to stop…to truly stop…we are the ones that get to say ‘when’!!

That changed everything!!  You mean I can have the life of my dreams right now?  Simply by paying attention to my beliefs and thoughts?  Everything I have ever dreamed is just waiting for me, you say?  And you say that I get to those dreams by raising my vibe?  And I rasie my vibe by focusing only on the positive as much as possible?  Are you serious?

Ahhh…all the way to the core ‘positive’.  Well, crap…that is going to take a lot of work to reverse all that trained negative but I’m always up for a challenge.  When I put my mind to something I don’t just do it….I kick the shit out of the task.  I know how to do with the best of them out there in this paradigm.  I just hadn’t yet found anything close to what my heart was calling for.  I hadn’t yet found a job or a project that really deserved all of the Alyson energy and focus.  This was that project.  I was about to dedicate my life to the positive energy that supposedly led to the world of my dreams.  I wasn’t sure how to do it but I knew there was no other way and this was an assignment I was finally inspired to complete.  This was a test for which I didn’t want to just cram.  I wanted to learn how to do this well.  I wanted to learn to do it very well.

My world at present is a result of the learning – the learning how to BE.  Forcing myself to slow down, quiet down and to learn to hear, feel & see the limitlessness of the time in which we are living.  For the past 3 months, I have been combining both the being and the doing to my full capacity for the first time ever in my life.  I am aware.  I am conscious.  I am rooted in my heart.  I am focused and what has happened and the manner in which it has happened will appear to be truly unbelievable given it has only been 3 months.  And still with words and pictures & “proof” on the website, you will not yet be able to fully comprehend how incredible this discovery I made 2 years ago has been.  The power of this Game is quite simply that there is no limit to what we can create nor to how it can be created.  I am so excited to now switch my focus to the doing as opposed to the writing of this.  For the words can barely describe what this new Game is all about.  I am very ready to move beyond the words.

3 months only and you are about to see just one example of Renaissance 2013.  I am only one little example.  I have already lit the lamps of lanterns much, much brighter than mine.  And we are only just beginning.  The literally thousands of stories I have in my head tracking this process for the past 2 years are crazy beautiful.  And now that my Dream Team is officially involved (as of last weekend) the beauty has multiplied exponentially.

I don’t need you to believe it.  I don’t have any expectation for you to believe it.  I don’t care if you believe it.  I am here only for those that want to be here too.  If you don’t want to be here, that is completely cool.  I wish you well.  I wish you happiness.  I wish you love.  I thank you for your presence in my life.  I cherish all the positive, happy memories we shared and I move forward knowing that when I think of you, I have plenty of happy upon which to focus.  No worries at all.  Everyone is not yet ready for this shift and that is perfectly okay.

girlmountainI am here for the millions that I know are seeking to hear, see, and feel proof of the Truth calling them.  Just use me as an example of what you can do in your own life – relative to your own happiness and to your own dreams.  I am simply out here trying to inspire each and every one of us to take one step closer at the end of each day toward our full potential rather than one step away.  But only you can answer that question of direction.  Which way are you going?

I am here for those who want to move closer.  I am here to support, encourage, and guide those who want to learn how to create their own happiness.  I am here to love those who have searched for it in places and from people that are not capable of providing it yet.  I can be that one, truly non-judgmental, unconditionally loving energy cheering you on to follow your heart and soul.  I will be that energy because I know the power of it & I know I am here to spread it.  And I know what the power of that sort of love provides for someone.  Especially when that someone is able to allow it.  If only through my words on this website and through my actions that you will learn about on Tuesday, allow me to be this example of what we can do and be in this world when we lose the fear of the unknown.

Before you meet the Dream team and finally learn of all that I have been busy doing, allow me to list a few things.  In the Digital Renaissance there exists:

  • No competition
  • No comparing
  • No expectations
  • No failing
  • No perfection
  • No suing
  • No judgement
  • No hate
  • No blame
  • No greed
  • No lack
  • No discrimination

And here is a short list of beliefs/values that if held, will only aid you in this amazing time:

  • Trust
  • Love
  • Compassion
  • Abundance
  • Cooperation/Community
  • Appreciation/Gratitude
  • Forgiveness
  • No Ego
  • Connectedness/Oneness
  • Synchronicity
  • Faith
  • Each individual possessing different, unique value – not better or worse or equal
  • Each individual possessing different, unique energies emitting everything from our surface energy to the energy of our deepest beliefs

Tomorrow…you meet the Dream Team!



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