4 months ago, on October 14, 2012, I took the full, 100% leap into this pursuit of my dream. I knew I was ready. How? Because when I thought of going back to work for someone else for another year, it felt ridiculous. For what exactly, was I ready? I had zero clue. None of the specifics I am about to reveal were in place. All I had was my vision, 16 months of conscious proof that I was in fact creating my own reality, a SUPER strong intuition telling me to keep going, and a wizard webmaster as one of my closest friends.
Everything within me said to simply keep living & loving my life, completely in the present, while still taking baby steps every day towards the dream. What I am about to unveil in these next posts, on my website and most importantly, with the example that is my own life is what I’ve created thus far. The ideas still to be presented are enough to fill many lifetimes. And there are no limits to or expectations for how any of it turns out.
In the creation & operation of my company, among many other things, I will be aiming to prove the following 6 for-profit business conjectures. I predict these will represent, in part, business plan components for companies choosing to base their operations in the new Game. In the upcoming week, I will post a specific entry further explaining each of them. Here are the blog entry titles for these 6 conjectures:
1. It’s All About the Energy
2. I AM the New Economic Model
3. Those who Plan Least will Profit Most
4. Pay-it-Forward – the New Investment Philosophy
5. The Most Profitable Values in the New Game
6. From $0 to $1 million in 6 months
Quite succinctly, my dream has been to have millions of dollars at my disposal to change the world. Instinctively I just knew that I could get more value for that money that anyone on the planet. The issue has been trying to find a way to earn a million dollars that aligned with my values. “They” say that your first million is the toughest one to get. I knew I just needed that first million & I’d be off and running. But how? How could I achieve this feat without compromising myself or what I valued in this world?
My dreams of being paid to be a professional athlete and/or to be an actress in Hollywood were not likely to result in a million very quickly. Next on my list of ideal jobs…writing and speaking. Hmmm…this had very strong possibilities. My words have been my best friends since age 3 or 4 when I was able to hold a pencil & my first notepad. I definitely have a knack for expression with the written word. Combine this aptitude with my marketing, psychology, and education degrees & experiences, my webmaster’s promotional skills, my publishing connections, and the uniqueness of what I am living and I had much more than incredibly strong gut instincts upon which to base a potential decision to move forward. I quickly found that I already possessed a strong belief in my ability to earn money via my writing.
As for the speaking? I’ve been hooked since February 24, 1988 when in 6th grade I won the speech contest for our entire 6-8th grade middle school. The topic…”Destiny: Choice not Chance”. Accidental? I think not. By 8th grade I was president of the entire school. Since these first opportunities presented themselves from ages 12-14, I’ve been in training for this job. It was at this time in my life that at a conscious level, I became aware of my natural gifts of leadership, coaching & teaching through participation in sports and extra-curricular activities. It was automatic & my light shined the brightest in those arenas. I was influencing adults & peers alike with my verbal communication abilities from a very young age. I have been a leader – vocally & via my life example for 25 years. And increasingly so in the past 2 years, I’ve been told regularly and often that I motivate & inspire. Again, when honestly assessing my capabilities, I realized I also had a very strong belief in my ability to earn a living speaking publicly.
So, that was it. Writing & speaking I determined, were my best routes to begin with the company. On November 30, 2012, Alyson Irene Noune, LLC launched publicly with a very minimal, yet tasteful web site, which included my personal blog. This would represent much more than just the commencement of my writing “career”. This exemplified a hugely radical approach to for-profit business in the new paradigm. As I fearlessly continued to follow my heart & trust my intuition, discovering my uniqueness in this world morphed into a much greater sense of an inner calling. I still had no specific clue how big an opportunity I had indeed created for myself. I was a bit naive and still wildly unaware of how much growth was about to take place in my first 60 days of “official” business operations.
I went home to Seattle for most of December confident that upon my return to Sarasota I would work & be able to get on stage speaking by the end of January. The goal was 500 people and it was to be in Plant City, FL in honor of my teaching experience there & my former students. The topic hadn’t yet become clear, but temporarily, it was general inspiration.
Now, it is the end of December, 2012. I am trying to get back into FL mode after 3 intensely beautiful weeks in WA. I continue with the blog while trying to gain some momentum on the speaking gig. Right off the bat I make the decision that in 2013 it will not cost more than $20 to see me speak ($10 for students and those under 18 years of age). I had no doubt that I could put a show together and deliver $20 worth of value & entertainment. Again, I didn’t know how exactly, but I trusted it would all become apparent when I needed it to. Well, things were not becoming apparent when I wanted & felt I needed them too. It became clear in my first week back that my original January 26th date for my first speaking engagement was going to be pushed back at least a month.
When the speaking began to get pushed back, I started to get a bit nervous. I was in a rush to get on stage because that was how I was going to begin to earn my million. And I was in a hurry because that had historically & habitually always been my way. But there is no rushing in this new Game. You are patient & you go with the flow for maximum efficiency. The power is in the present & ignoring this universal fact translates to a missed opportunity of being able to maximize the full potential of yourself & your situation.
Our energy is much, much more valuable than we have been recognizing and utilizing. It is also limited & we must choose wisely how to expend it if we hope to realize our complete individual capabilities & by extension, our collective abilities in these very powerful times. My energy was pushing me in another direction and I still can barely believe how it has all come together. The inspirational speaking is most certainly still coming. Only now I am going to have so much more about which to speak!
Next Entry: EVOLT Begins to Sprout
Learn More“Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do. More than five hundred of the most successful men this country has ever known told the author their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them.”
― Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
Ignoring the gender bias above, I can now personally attest to the absolute truth of Mr. Hill’s words. Actually, I suppose I won’t technically be able to do so for at least a few weeks as my “greatest success” is still to be. However, I did manage to survive two of the most challenging weeks of my life. Very different than anything I have ever experienced before – much like my entire life has been for the past 31 months. As with music & words, I have been learning that emotions also have infinite combinations. Beautiful, to be sure, but impossible to prepare yourself for once you’ve opened your heart to them all.
I’ve never consciously gone after a dream. Never, until now. Mostly because I don’t think we are encouraged in the old paradigm to do so. As a former middle school teacher, I can share from direct experience that our institutions are squishing the entire concept out of our youth at younger & younger ages. And if you are an adult with a dream? That is about as rare as finding a couple still together after 30 years. This reality is all we need to point to in order to understand why the world is seemingly as deranged as it is. We have stopped dreaming. And when you stop dreaming, you stop imagining, you cease creativity, causing innovation and genius to disappear.
During the past 6 months, I have gained tremendous respect for anyone and everyone who has ever truly ventured out of the mainstream world to any extent. Most especially, for those who have done so when only they believe in what they are pursuing. The surety you feel allows you to soar above it all when you are in the zone. Fall out of the zone, however, and fall back victim to the bull shit of today’s paradigm and you feel crazy as a mad scientist.
More than anything, sheer exhaustion made me weak & vulnerable to the very real stresses placed in my path 3 weeks ago. I was working pretty much every waking hour for 2 weeks trying like hell to get to the point where I could unveil all that has been in motion since November. But in the new Game, you cannot force what is not yet ready to be. I hit a wall and I hit it hard.
Now when this happens, though, I know. I know there is a much bigger reason for the pause. I know that in these circumstances, I had forgotten to balance myself so the Universe is simply assisting me in regaining this very necessary component of life. The Universe is certainly telling me something when things get this bonkers. I just needed to decide if I was going to listen this time or wait for the inevitable next time if I chose to ignore. And I listened…boy, did I ever listen, hear, and learn this time.
I have been very determined to bring to light the next phase of my company for the single reason of having “proof”. Even this “proof” will end up inviting more judgement & criticism than support from some. For others, it will be all they need to see & understand what I’ve been yapping about all these months. And for others still, it will all remain to appear to be too airy-fairy & woo-woo for their liking or for their support. All of this & more is completely okay. It is understandable and it is okay.
This pause was for me to prepare to be okay. I have to be okay with any and every reaction. I have to be okay with the fact that some will react while others will not. I have to be okay with the fact that some will react positively & supportively while others will not. I have to be okay with the fact that some of my relationships will change and some will not. I have to be okay with the fact that some relationships will prove to have had their time…at least for now…and it will be up to me to move on. And therein lies what has been tripping me up for the past months. My entire life I have struggled tremendously with letting go. But…it is time to let go of what doesn’t serve me positively in this endeavor and it took me some weeks (this time around) to come to grips with being okay with this too.
In my old story, even if it was “bad” I held on because it was something. It wasn’t the dream I imagined but it was something. Something was better than nothing & I didn’t have experience with anything else to know the difference. I never felt I had a choice before. I gave and gave and gave in every relationship…in every job…in every task I undertook. And often, I accepted very little in return due to my lack of personal self-worth. I took the scraps. I took every morsel I could get. But I no longer need to settle for morsels. This girl has finally matured into the woman who recognizes that she deserves more.
I deserve people in my life as real as I am. I have many, many of these folks in my world right now and those relationships are the ones upon which I will focus. I had habitually been doing the opposite. Trying to hold on to people and relationships where I was holding responsibility for more than my share. Finally I see and understand that if I stay in those relationships waiting for the other to pick up their share and complain and be unhappy as I wait, then I’m the idiot. Because we have the control. We have the final say. WE can always be the one to walk away.
It doesn’t have to be ugly. It doesn’t have to be mean. Sometimes it may need to be & if so, don’t judge yourself. Each & every relationship is unique so depart with love in whatever way you can. Be appreciative & grateful for all the hurt and pain from which you now free yourself. Because often your greatest growth has resulted from the most painful relationships and experiences of your life. Embrace them and embrace those who shared in them. That is all you can do to reach the peace that we all seek. As I said above…I listened…I heard…I learned.
I was holding on. I have been holding on. I thought it was gone…the pain of my past. Even my most recent past. But my “stuckness”, which this time, manifested in exhaustion and illness told me that I was still holding onto something. And after 2 1/2 weeks…I can say it was just general hurt. I love with ALL my heart in ALL my close relationships. And I demonstrate & communicate that love. I always have and I always will. That is all I know. But, for many from my past this has been too much. Up until recently, this has opened me up to great amounts of pain in my life. Again, I didn’t realize what I was doing. Seeking from others what they could not yet give. I wasn’t completely conscious of all of this until just months ago so it still hurts when it seems something has ended or when it becomes quite obvious that it needs to end.
My heart feels the pain very deeply. But I’ll take it…ALL of it! Because when you can learn to transcend the pain of love, this is some of the most powerful fuel that exists. Love does hurt but you don’t have to focus on that part of it. Feel it but then go find the positive side of it that also surrounds you. Quite often, citizens of this country do not need to look far to find ridiculous amounts of love. We are in the top 1% of the world in our luxuries even if our bank accounts have far less than millions. We have plenty upon which we can focus to feel how fortunate we are. Plenty. We simply need to choose to focus there.
I always forget how good this feels…to come back into the zone after being out of it for a little while. Because you see…you feel…you know…that everything is perfect. Exactly as it is today…everything is perfect. I have all I need right here with me to continue in this adventure. Most importantly, I have friends reminding me every day of the single thing I need to do to proceed…love & nurture myself. My vision only gains clarity, momentum, and power with love. When aligned with that love, the challenge of communicating my vision subsides drastically. The trust in myself returns allowing for the flow of the entire process.
No one can yet see fully what it is that I have envisioned. Few can believe me without “proof”. VERY few can support me without knowing what it is they are supporting. My character. My values. My life. None of that seems to matter much. It is only about what can be seen & recognized. I get it. I truly do. But, I cannot express how unbelievably difficult this has been.
Imagine for a moment that you have an idea that very well could change the world. Not guaranteed, of course, but just like any other idea out there, it has a chance to do so. Imagine that no one – not even your closest friends completely understand the complexity of what is in your mind. And imagine feeling that mainstream paradigm pressure of having to convince others. Imagine that you have to try to convince others that your vision isn’t crazy & all you have is words with which to accomplish this. Words, which barely scratch the surface and yet that is all you have. Imagine the madness that you may begin to feel if you stay in that world for too long…the world of trying to convince as opposed to the world of doing your best and trusting. Ahhh…another enormous lesson of this near defeat. Do my best and trust – remembering that is all that is required.
What remains is tying everything about which I’ve been writing together. It still will not be clear to many but at least I will have “proof” that I am actually working. The question of ‘what has Alyson been doing for the past 6 months’ will have an observable answer. It will now be a bit easier to send your friends & family to my site saying, ‘just check it out’. It now will be much “safer” for people to support me. And if not…it is all good. I am back to doing all I need to do…believing, trusting and focusing on all of the crazy beauty surrounding me in the world I’ve created for myself in the past two years.
Fake it ’til you make it. Well, I’ve faked on this front long enough now. Universe…I AM READY! I am ready to release the idea & all its components out into the world. I am ready for whatever results. I am balanced & when I lose my way, I know that at an absolute minimum, I have the most amazing support network in my Dream Team & in my parents. That is all I need. Let’s do this!
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
“You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.” –Richard Bach (author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull)
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I’ve been feeling a bit stressed about the fact that I haven’t posted in almost two weeks. I wanted to give a very brief update explaining why that has been the case. Two weeks ago I found out, quite unexpectedly, that plans to rent the entire home in which I was living fell through. Given the nature of the work I am doing, I very much need a home to myself so I had to find a new place. As you can imagine, this was/has been a tad bit stressful. Amazingly, I found a place in just 4 days and moved in over the weekend.
I am extremely happy with the home that I found. My landlord is great, the location is perfect, and the layout is going to be ideal for all of the plans I have in motion. Unfortunately, I am wicked sick at present. I failed to follow the golden rule (taking care of yourself first and foremost) and worked myself to exhaustion so I suppose it isn’t surprising that I fell ill. Trying to recoup as we also prepare to paint the entire home in just 2 days. With any luck, I will be back into the swing of working more formally by the end of the week.
As you may or may not remember, we were preparing to launch the next phase of things right before I received the news of having to move. We have approximately 50 new web pages that will be active upon this next step. It is quite cumbersome & the writing of the corresponding blog posts is probably some of the most challenging writing I will have done yet. I am very eager for this release but know now that I need to continue to be patient – it will be finished when it is finished. I had never in my life experienced the exhaustion that I felt over the past 10 days. I learned many incredibly valuable lessons & was reminded that all I am attempting to do will be in vain if I do not take care of myself first.
I thank you all for your continued support and very much look forward to revealing all that is in progress.
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This is going to sound however it sounds but I know…I know that many in my life – some who are reading, many who are not – are terrified that I am “right”. You are scared shitless that all the woo-woo that has been coming out of my mouth in the past 2 1/2 years may actually be the real deal. Those of you who know me best are some of the most scared right now. Why? Because you know I am going to make this work. You KNOW me. You will not be able to deny the rationale, the truth, the logic, and the possibility of this idea I’ve created…of this company I’ve begun. And you know that somehow, someway, I will make it work because it has merit and I am me.
But…if I am “right” that means I have actually done what I’ve been claiming all along. That means I have used all I know and all I am to create a brand new, different way of discovering your own greatness beginning with my own. This is NOT ego! This is about reaching our individual, unique potentials – it is about maximizing our biggest resource on Earth – our people!! My only desire, my only goal, my only inspiration with all of this…is to continue striving to reach my own full potential and to aid in any way I can the many others out there doing the same for themselves. This isn’t about me. This is about all of us. It is time for all of us to come together and believe in something new. How in the world can you not want to believe in all the good and positive of which I’ve been writing? I don’t need you to believe. YOU need you to believe.
If right now, you have anything less than 100% self-love & self-acceptance, to some extent, when you read the following post & see the new web page, some part of you will automatically wish I fail (whatever that means or however you think that looks). It isn’t conscious. It isn’t something you are aware of…most of you. It is an AUTOMATIC response based on the fact that there are thougths you have repeated to yourself time and time again about how not worthy you are. How you are still not good enough. And when we are faced with something that makes us feel ‘less than’ we go into that mode automatically. Our egos are trained very well and they act opposite to what we know we really want to feel. I know this because for 25 years I was on the end thinking of something less than supportive of someone I loved.
I am going to use an example from an area most painful to me in my life…my life-long (up until very recently) battle with my body image. For years…YEARS…if a woman in my life that I loved – an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a teammate, my mom – came into a room and upon seeing them my initial reaction was, ‘Damn…she looks awesome!’…it took only about 2 seconds before my extreme lack of self-love made me automatically begin to pick her apart. Try to find a flaw. And it wasn’t limited to physicality. I would remind myself of a struggle that person was having in their life. See…so there…she isn’t perfect…her life isn’t perfect.
I am not proud of these thoughts. So many negative thoughts that were prompted by how little I valued & loved myself…at my core. How could I have thought those things for so many women that I loved? How could my darkness have been so heavy that I couldn’t lift it out of the way for just a minute…just 10 seconds to say to that woman what I really felt which was, “You look awesome!”. How would THAT energy have affected us both? Instead…it was all these negative thoughts…negative energies moving between us – because chances are…she was thinking the same about me. Can you imagine how things may change if we reversed this energetic pattern? If we went to the positive instead of the negative?
Because I know…I know I am not the only one out there who has done this. And we all know it extends far beyond physical. That is our favorite and has been for years – especially with us ladies – we got that one mastered. Just think about that wasted energy for a second – think about, in your own life, how much time you have spent picking apart yourself or someone else for not having the ‘perfect’ body. Then, remember that this judgement, based on lack of self-love, goes way beyond that. It is why as soon as you reach a certain level of happiness or a certain level of “success” some people in your life start feeling uncomfortable. You are now approaching their ceilings that they have set for themselves. And while you are simply trying to tell them (with words or with the example that is your life) that the ceiling is arbitrary and can go on infinitely into the sky, they are busy trying to find any flaw in what you are doing.
I am not working to convince anyone of anything. You all can believe that or not. I am here for something much, much bigger. I am here simply to help you all remember exactly as I have remembered. I am here to challenge you to get real with yourself. Because this is the truth. You do create your own reality. You are doing it right now. And you can create ANYTHING for your life that you dream. WE can create anything for our world that we dream. WE are our only limitations. More specifically, our minds…our beliefs…our thoughts. It is THAT simple. Change your thoughts…change your life! Change your life…change the world!!
When you read the next post and see the new web page, I am only asking you be conscious of when your thoughts go negative. Don’t do it. Just don’t allow yourself to pick apart all the reasons this won’t work. Why it is crazy. Why it will never succeed. Please. Not for my sake – I am going to be just fine on this venture – for your own sake. Those are just reactions that you can change if you are willing to do the work. Because if you know me, how can you do anything but support all that I have been saying? Honestly? I may annoy people. I may frustrate you. I may drive you nuts. However, NO ONE in my life will ever claim that Alyson Noune is, ever has been, or ever could be 1) Mean or 2) Untrustworthy. So…
What if she is “right”? What if she has managed to create something that may actually work? What if it makes too much sense? What if it is that easy? What does it mean if it works? What does that say about my life? What does that say about me?
Just don’t think. Just let your gut react. And try to recognize what your initial reaction is before the conditioned thought patterns interfere. What does your heart tell you about all I am going to reveal?
I am not trying to make anyone feel ‘less than’. I am trying only to inspire you to be more than! This is just my role in the Game right now. To lead us into ‘more than’.
Get ready for EVOLT!
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