Three Visions Meet

Tonight, the energy of three massive visions came together in my home.  The vision of the man who designed and built the magnificent house in which I presently live; my own personal vision; and that of Harri & Ruth Kosove.

In The Center Of Experience by Jon CooneyHarri & Ruth were the benefactors who created The Kosove Society at USF.  This is the organization that granted me the extremely special, absolutely unique-to-USF, full academic scholarship I received just months after relinquishing my athletic scholarship.  In retrospect, this time in my life so clearly demonstrates the truth of the game I’m now playing.  Two, particularly life-altering miracles took place between 11/93 & 11/95:  the miracle of 5-foot me somehow obtaining a full, Division-I basketball scholarship when nothing of the sort was even in my mind as possible; and, the miracle of the Kosove Society existing and of me being one of so few recipients of such an AMAZING opportunity.  And arguably, the timing of the situation could be considered a 3rd miracle  – learning of this scholarship (“better” than my athletic full-ride)  literally weeks after making what, at the time, had been the most difficult decision of my life.  There is not an iota of doubt within me about the higher purpose of ALL of these experiences.  Last night’s Kosove Holiday Party, hosted at my home, made this fact absolutely undeniable to me.

Last night…everything shifted & the clarity of my vision did as it does these days…it got even more vivid and clearer.  Why?  Because these miracles (past & present) are the things we label as coincidences or synchronicities that happen to us and around us EVERY SINGLE DAY!  And when you are able to allow yourself to open your mind to see this truth…well…you will understand my insanity.  You too will want to dance and sing from the top of mountains!  Yes…even if you ‘don’t dance and sing’!  Or climb mountains!!  I promise you!!!

And here is the ridiculous, hilarious, perfect realization I made today.  It is truly time to be quiet.  It is time to talk a LOT less than at any point in my life thus far – including infancy.  My voice literally cannot take it as I experience being horse for the 3rd time this week.  It is time to allow the creative, wild, beautiful, amazingly happy Aly to fully emerge with expressions using anything but words.  This super woman who has been depriving herself of truly living and loving since age 6 is absolutely ready to fully come out of her bat cave.  (And yes…I purposely mixed super heros).  I am ready to dance, sing, drum, paint, live & love like I’ve never done.  And of course I make this discovery 3 days before going home to Seattle!!  A city that felt like the first home I’ve ever known the moment I drove into the city limits.  A city that is so powerful and beautiful that it was too much for me during my first 10 months living there.  I wasn’t yet ready.  I was beginning to get ready when I left for FL and I KNEW that when I returned I would indeed be “there”.  I AM SO THERE!!!  The amount of joy in my heart as I just sit here and feel this reality just cannot be described with words.  Another unmistakable reason it is time to give them a break.

Pure Spirit Has Been Protected And Now Tunes In To New Connections - by Jon CooneyA BIG break!!  I will save my words – my verbosity – for my books and my personal journals I am also writing & keeping at present.  I will save my teaching for my public speaking engagements that I will be delivering beginning in late Jan/early Feb.  And I discovered today, as I reflected on the experiences of last night, that I have been saving my inspiring for my creative expressions.  This is so very clear right now.  I have been singing, dancing, and drumming like NEVER before in the past two years.  And even though my consistent working out has taken a huge hit during this time (it HAD to for me to get back to myself), I’ve experienced athletic feats unlike anything before.  As recent evidence, I ran for the first time in almost 10 weeks this past Tuesday and I am telling you I was like the flippin’ wind!  I had just returned from seeing a beautiful friend for the first time in 12 years – a reunion where we BOTH were absolutely aware of the fact that our paths are not crossing again accidentally.  The intensity of that shared realization had me so unbelievably high that as I ran 7 miles in less than 60 minutes with my heart rate well over 155 (because I’m in horrible shape) I didn’t feel like I was exerting ANY energy despite a pace that was personally considered unheard of given my lack of exercise these past 4 months.

I am about to soar in my physical & more newly, in my creative abilities with the guidance and cooperation of some of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met.  You know who you are!  It is clear as ever.  In just months, I will be sharing the stage with so many incredible people who happen to be ridiculously talented individuals with hearts as big as they get.  Get ready to play this new game, friends!!  We are going to take a show on the road unlike ANYTHING out there!  We are going to inspire anyone in our crowd back to their soul with our energy.  It is about to become all about the music!!  Hell, it has always been about the music – I just wasn’t yet ready to hear it!!  I hear the music of life everywhere and it is time for me to learn how to express THIS.

Harri & Ruth, your dream and the actions you took to help enable the fruition of that dream have been a guiding angel in my life from the first day I read the application that arrived in my mail in November of 1995.  Thank you both from the depths of my soul.  I am doing it and your kids are all going to be connected very, very soon in the way that you dreamed.  I feel your beautiful vision like never before and it is my duty to live in the light you helped keep lit during some very dark times.  This is what you intended for each of us – I know it and my life will serve as the example to the others.  Together, we are going to change the world so quickly people will not be able to comprehend what is taking place.  And that is the point!  GET OUR OF OUR HEADS AND INTO OUR HEARTS!!!  (Thank you Sheryl Crow).

There are no accidents.  There are no coincidences.  Everything and everyone is connected for a higher purpose.  My life over the course of the next 6 months will prove this.  And if not, no worries at all!  I finally have learned the most important lesson of this life…the ONLY person you need to prove anything to is YOURSELF!!!

Game on!

Super Noon

Dedicated to a man that was very much like an older brother to me while at USF – especially once I quit the team.  Along with two other guys, the three of them were our only consistent, non-female fans at our women’s basketball games.  At our big reunion a month ago, I absolutely felt that all three of them deserved to be there just as much as any of us.  Today is his birthday and although I haven’t seen you in many years, my friend, the time is nearing for us to reconnect.  Happy birthday!!!  I will see  you again very soon.



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The Vision

Ever since I can remember I’ve had dreams of changing the world.  I couldn’t have been more than six or seven years old when these daydreams about making others’ lives less of a struggle began.  Without a doubt, the catalyst to this vision came from the combined energy of my living environment and family dynamics.

This would have been around 1982 and we were living in Detroit.  We weren’t in the inner city but I have very clear memories of activities that in 2012 one automatically associates with the mention of Detroit.  I regularly observed the vacant, abandoned, drug-dealing house next door to our home until my parents’ efforts paid off and the house was demolished.  I remember when our home was broken into and we were robbed. The burglars went through the window that connected the back porch with my little brother, Jeff’s, room and I absolutely remember wondering what would have happened to Jeff if we had been home.  From that point on, the only times I wasn’t afraid of going to sleep at night in our 1-story, ranch house was when it was raining outside – my young mind naively believing that wet weather was somehow like kryptonite to home intruders.  Finally, I remember the day we awoke and learned there had been a murder at the house caddy-corner from us on Piedmont and Acacia.  Yep – spending my first 9 years of this life at 14258 Piedmont in Detroit, Michigan most certainly played a role in my daydreaming of a different reality.

While our outside environment was quickly declining around us, our inner family life was falling apart at an even faster pace.  By 1982 Dad had spent at least one summer away from his family with no explanation to any of us.  My mom, already an extremely anxious individual, now found herself a mother of 3 children under the age of 6, returning to the classroom again, which was something she never planned on doing once she birthed me.  She didn’t yet know that being a single parent was inevitable, however, at her instinctual level, she knew, for the sake of her children, that she had to prepare for this possibility.  The overwhelming energies of worry, fear, anxiety, and guilt that would consume the rest of my young life (and continue well into my 30s) were in their infant stages and would prove to be the most difficult foundational belief patterns to overcome these past two years.

As this little kid, I was aware of ALL the struggle surrounding me – my father’s past, my mother’s present, and my & my brothers’ futures.  That is when my vision was launched.  I removed myself from my reality daily developing dream upon dream in my mind of the day in my future when I knew I would be helping make it so that other people never had to struggle like this.  At that point, of course, I didn’t know exactly how I would make these dreams come to fruition but at a subconscious level I definitely knew I was going to make it happen.  The manner in which this vision has become my observable-to-others reality in NO way, shape, or form resembles ANYTHING I would have dreamed could have taken place – not even one year ago could I have dreamt what has become of my story.  It is a story I am absolutely meant to share and the time to share has arrived.

Four and a half years ago, my life journey brought me to Sarasota.  More specifically, the strong influence of my youngest brother, Andrew, brought me here.  5 years my junior, my little brother was very much an inspiration to me at this time.  He was walking the walk – living his truth far more than anyone else in my world.  Meanwhile, I was quickly spiraling down into the depths of my own personal hell.  At some level, we both knew my healing needed to begin with him in Sarasota.  Never in my wildest dreams could I have predicted the magical transformation that was to take place between June 4, 2008 and today, November 30, 2012.

From darkness to light.  From mind to heart.  From fear to love.  I discovered and am playing an entirely new “game” out in the world.  Consequently, my reality now is the one I first began dreaming of 30 years ago and it becomes more beautiful every single day, which still doesn’t even seem possible, yet is true.  This new “game” is lived at a higher vibration than the mainstream paradigm at present is being lived.  Today’s paradigm is based entirely in fear.  The one into which our consciousness is shifting is based entirely in love.  And love ALWAYS exists as a higher vibration than fear.  Thus, by extension, lives lived and decisions made with love as the foundation as opposed to fear will result in a world VERY, VERY different than what we see as mainstream today.  There are millions of people out there living in this manner already, including me, and it is now time to connect THOSE folks and again by extension, the people in the lives of those folks, to create the New Earth (thank you, Eckhart Tolle) that will become the NEW mainstream paradigm.

Through my journey the past 4 ½ years, I’ve found my alignment with my soul.  It has been, by far, the most challenging time yet simultaneously, the most incredible.  I see, hear, and feel my calling like never before.  And I now know with every ounce of my being that I am manifesting my vision and am about to change the world.  I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time and patience has never been a virtue I possess (although I am definitely working on it).  So get ready because this vision is bigger than Oprah!  The vision is comprised of dozens upon dozens of very specific dreams all based on a belief that there can indeed be widespread peace, love, and happiness on this planet.  This new game knows no limits – there are infinite possibilities of creation.  It is truly the greatest game in the world right now and I need and want teammates.  My story is to only serve as an example and as inspiration for each and every one of you to find this same power that lies within us all.  Fear not.  Follow your heart.  Live your truth.  And trust.  We absolutely create our own realities!  Once you understand this, the sky is truly the limit for your life and our world!

Welcome to the New Earth!!


For the rest of this life, today’s date will represent the official launching of my vision – November 30, 2012.  I dedicate this extremely significant, first-ever blog entry to 2 men that I have known for 25 & 23 years respectively.  November 30th holds tremendous significance for me and these men.  17 years apart, I shared two, different, yet equally miraculous things with each of them.  Until these past two years, I was not capable of fully recognizing the depths of the power and beauty of the unconditional love I share with them and the unique relationship I have with each of them.  Our outer-world circumstances matter not.  Nothing can ever take from us the love we share and the bond that will forever exist.  It goes beyond all boundaries.  All limits.  All definitions.  I’ve always known there were no accidents or coincidences in life, but as I’ve learned to see the meaning in everything, all of my experiences with each of these men over the past 2 1/2 decades grow more beautiful than the most romantic of Hollywood movies.  They truly do and this love surrounds us everywhere.  We all have the opportunity to learn to live & feel life like never before simply by focusing more on love than fear.  Both of these men saw my light decades before I would awake to it.  I am hearing my calling now, guys – loud and clear.  I am in such appreciation of you both.  I will always love you both to the depths of my soul.  Unconditionally and with zero expectations.  Thank you for all you have been and for sharing with me the most powerful emotion in the world –  love.  The emotion to which I have found my way back.

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