In 2008, I realized I could no longer live in the world I saw portrayed on TV, the one I read about in the papers, or the one I called my reality day-to-day. In this world, I believed that I had been held back by my honesty and my genuine concern for myself and others. I finally accepted that I was not wired for a world where words on paper meant more than the humans involved. I would not accept that corporations could be considered people but that the living environment around us did not enjoy equal rights as non-human. And I could not survive in a world where the institutions we hold in highest regard are so obviously fraught with hypocrisy, greed, dishonesty, and misplaced loyalty. A world where no one with any power to actually change these institutions has the guts to state it and/or the ability to change it on their own. I am speaking of our government, our financial system, our educational system, our healthcare system, and most importantly, our religious institutions.
The majority of individuals in this country still claim to be “religious”. So much so, that it is now as closely tied to our political system as it can be while still allowing us to exist as a secular government. If you don’t believe me, ask how likely the country would be to vote for someone with my spiritual beliefs to be President – regardless of how capable I was to perform the duties of the job. I absolutely believe in a power greater than us all – it is exactly what is guiding me at present. However, I am most comfortable calling that power the Universe. It is the exact same as what others call God, but that wouldn’t be acceptable to many in this country. I would most likely be labeled and judged by millions.
This doesn’t matter to me – I have zero interest in ever becoming President & I couldn’t care less about what others think of me. I mention it simply to point out the fact that via its effect on our political system and hence our elected-by-the-public government officials, religion influences all of our lives – whether you claim to be religious or not. This fact requires a brief look at the general religious landscape of our country. At present, the most common faith being followed in America is still Christianity & I was brought up Catholic so I will refer to its customs in my writing that follows.
First, it is interesting to point out that in my experience, the ones doing the greatest amount of judging are more likely to be the ones identifying as “religious” than not. They go to church every week. They wear their crosses around their necks. They carry their rosaries. They are sure to tell everyone how Christian they are. Everything on the outside appears to others that they are walking the walk. And as we know very well, in 2013, it is all about what is observable from the outside.
In my 6th grade classroom, I had a poster on the wall that read, “How do you live your life when nobody is watching?” In my experience, the true test of the Christian faith is how you live & react with your words and actions. Ask yourself how well you are doing? Remember, the 4 Rules – how are you doing with those? How often do you treat someone exactly unlike how you’d like to be treated forgetting the oneness of us all? How often do you dismiss forgiveness and compassion? How often do you judge? How often do you put conditions on your love & support? How often do you give up believing in something that you feel to your core because you lose your faith or trust?
Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t feel guilty. That only makes things worse. Be gentle with yourself. Love yourself. Accept yourself right now – exactly as you are and know that you are okay. You aren’t horrible; you aren’t unlovable; you aren’t selfish; you aren’t greedy; you aren’t undeserving. I know you want to live this truth and walk the walk. We ALL do – every single one us instinctively is good and wants to live this truth. The thing preventing us from doing so is the deep pain that lies within that causes anyone to steer away from it. We are a country comprised of millions of wonderful, loving individuals who have lost their belief in the ability to be able to live & love freely and completely. This is why everyone feels a bit crazy and why the outer world is mimicking that craziness.
We came here to be free. We came here to explore. We came here to create. And we came here most certainly to be happy. The beliefs so many of you hold right now are not allowing you to be happy and when you are not happy, you are not the best you are capable of being. You hold others outside of you responsible for your lack of happiness because you know no better. You’ve been conditioned by everything in society to believe the power lies outside of you to make the changes in your life that will result in the happiness you desire. The madness will continue as long as you buy into the game of fear in this paradigm. If you have managed to find lasting happiness…true, real, lasting happiness in this world, by all means…keep on keepin’. However, I feel many are seeking something different.
It begins with believing that we are loving, sharing creatures that are evolving beyond the basic survival instincts of our animal predecessors. We are evolving beyond competition – beyond survival of the fittest. That time of human history is passing – very quickly. As it falls away to the new world based in love it is not going to go quietly. Many of you will want to play this new Game. You will. You will want to be able to believe in what I am saying and in what I am doing. And you will want to be able to say it without fear of judgment from others. But your old stories and your conditioned belief patterns rooted in this paradigm of fear are going to threaten to kick you out of the game immediately. Know that. But…if you really believe that you want to play…if you feel at your gut level that I am anything but crazy…just be patient with yourself. Know it will take time. And know that you must begin with not judging yourself. Allow yourself to feel exactly what you feel without judgment. It is okay.
It is okay if you think all of what I am about to reveal is too good to be true. It is okay if you don’t believe I have actually done as much as I have done in less than 3 months’ time. It is okay if you think this is too risky. It is okay if you think I am too idealistic. It is okay if you think I am too trusting. It is okay if you think I have completely lost my mind. To whatever extent what I am doing makes you uncomfortable, I ask you to try your best to be conscious of this and to instead try to focus on the parts that make you comfortable. Focus on the parts that feel right to you – don’t worry about what someone else says should be right – what feels right to you? Focus on the things I am saying and doing that just seem true to you – at a gut level – what feels true at a gut level? Focus on those things and watch how your perspective begins to change. Then, watch how your life begins to change.
In order to understand this new Game, to even see its possibilities is to challenge yourself to take your own game to a level just a little bit higher. Wherever you are…you are being called to do this. It is all relative – your game is your own game – different than even your spouse’s game. Only you know in what areas of your life you have room to be better. And this comes not from a place of judgement it comes from a place of discovery. A discovery of the power in aiming to walk the walk as close to 100% as possible. We are living in the most powerful times in the history of humankind. We are awakening. All of us are being called to a playing field higher than the one we are on at present. If you are ready to heed the call, I believe I can help.
For almost 2 years now I have been consciously following the 4 Rules. I’ve been aware of every time I am either judging, not loving unconditionally or not trusting or believing that the Universe will take care of me. As I began to live my life rooted in my heart as opposed to my mind, I quickly saw the correlation between my work in following these rules & how my world around me was changing. I realized very quickly that the magic happened when I was able to go beyond the old paradigm way of thinking or handling of a situation. As I was filling more and more of my thoughts with only positivity & love, my outer world was increasingly becoming a mirror of this. The specifics were of course, specific to my desires, hopes, and dreams. But I was most certainly the happiest I had ever been. This was a truth of some sort, that was for certain.
This isn’t about comparison anymore. This is all about relativity. This is about hearing your true voice and believing you can follow it and not only survive by doing so but thrive in ways beyond your wildest dreams. I have now created this in my own life. And it happened when I discovered that the more I wanted my desires to come true and the more quickly I wanted them to do so essentially was correlated to my ability to live as close to Jesus’ example as possible. And because I incorporate bits and pieces of every faith I’ve ever read about, this also meant I was aiming to live as much of my daily life as possible following the examples of Buddha, Muhammad, Lao-Tzu, Moses, and Brahma too.
Every great teacher was speaking the same truth and I had finally caught on. It calls all of us from within but if you suffer from dense darkness like I did for so long, it is really, really tough to hear. But once I heard it, the message was loud & clear. I had a lot of catching up to do if I wanted my dreams to come to fruition as quickly as possible.. I had to create some new belief patterns. Beliefs centered around what I now call, the 4 Rules. Once identified, I had to practice them like CRAZY so that they then became my new habits – my new conditioned ways of thinking and thus behaving. It worked and the proof has been overwhelming.
In 1-2 days, you are going to see EXACTLY what I have been doing these past 3 months. You will finally see what my company is, what it represents, and the brand new, radical ways in which I am operating it. I can assure you…it is the real deal. I believe we are absolutely living in a time that will be looked back upon as another Renaissance…The Digital Renaissance. No way I am missing the beautiful boat of opportunity sailing down this river! Let’s find yours so you can come along too.
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This would probably be a good time to answer a question that maybe has arisen in some readers’ minds again. ‘What makes you, Alyson, believe you are qualified to make all of these claims of this new Game and how it works?’ Well, the simple answer is that I am living everything about which I speak and what has happened to me in the past 2 years is proof enough. (more…)
Learn MoreThoughts, beliefs, focus, emotions, and energy. Absolute keys to this new Game. In order to learn to play, you must become familiar with these concepts in very new ways. You must learn how they relate to one another. You must understand that as you transition from the story of your life now to the new story you desire, you are going to need to know the basic foundational beliefs you must hold in the new Game should you want to be any good at playing (i.e. cooperation & abundance). You must accept that certain beliefs you hold now will indeed limit you in the new Game (i.e. competition & comparison). That doesn’t mean you can’t play but don’t be discouraged if it seems to take you awhile to master the skills. This will take practice and just like in athletics or music, some people are naturals and others have to practice a lot more. However, EVERYONE has the capability of playing this Game.
Remember, a belief is simply a thought that you practice over and over again. Going forward, be aware that at times I will thus use these terms interchangeably. Beliefs within us exist at varying degrees of strength. The degree of strength correlates strongly with our values. The amplitude of our beliefs is also associated with the length of time we’ve held them in our life. Additionally, many beliefs are such that they affect our behaviors automatically. These habitual patterns are sometimes hard to identify and if you decide there are certain ones that need to be broken, be prepared that there is work involved. I’ve written before that the transition from the old game to the new Game will most certainly be challenging – to everyone at some level.
Our focus on our beliefs/thoughts cause us to feel certain emotions. These emotions, in addition to the thoughts and beliefs themselves, directly lead to what decisions we make in our day-to-day world. Even with the simplest of actions, this process is taking place. Brushing your teeth, for example. You do this because you believe it is the healthy thing to do for your mouth. Or…you do it because it is a habit and the belief tied to that habit was passed on to you by someone else who felt it was a good belief to have. And get this…sometimes beliefs are passed on to you by someone for whom the belief is also a habit – i.e. they aren’t even conscious of it.
Huh? This is getting too confusing. For some of you, I know this is true and to you I say, there will be further explanations very soon. For others, I know you are right there with me. Why am I bringing this up? Why is it important to identify from where a particular belief comes? Because it absolutely matters whether or not YOU consciously choose to have your beliefs. After all, YOU are the only one responsible for and living your life. If you are operating with underlying beliefs that you aren’t aware of and/or that you didn’t choose for yourself, you may not even know how these are affecting your day-to-day life choices. If your desires are incongruent with your underlying beliefs, you will continue to bang your head against the wall as you seek happiness & fulfillment in your life.
Allow me to use one more personal example to try to make this a little bit clearer. I have a few beliefs that proved to be the most limiting to me, including a belief that life had to be a struggle. That midwest, middle-class attitude ingrained deep, deep within me. Anytime I experienced anything remotely close to what I dreamed – which, essentially was a life where I didn’t struggle, I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. The phrase ‘too good to be true’ was my automatic response to anything that appeared as such. This belief was sabotaging my entire life and most certainly my ability to reach my FULL potential in this life. The underlying belief I wanted was one of no struggle. However, the belief I had and the one guiding my every action and decision was that life had to be a struggle – ALL at a level unconscious to me until my healing time in MI.
How we behave (as a result of our beliefs) takes energy. Physical & emotional energy. And that energy is like a big signal to the Universe. If you broadcast positive energy, you will receive positive energy back into your life. If you are emitting vibrations of negativity, you will attract negativity back into your life. Our outer worlds most definitely reflect our inner worlds.
Be careful, though in trying to label what is positive & negative at this point. Some things may appear to be an obvious categorical “negative” – say, losing your job. However, in many, MANY cases the signs are being misread. The self-guidance systems of most of you reading are I dare say, extremely rusty. If, in your life at present, you think more often about how someone else or society at large is going to think about what you say/do as opposed to how YOU feel about your behavior, than you are not ready to make sense of all the plentiful signs in your world.
Seeing as most places of employment utilize evaluation systems to justify pay and the keeping of one’s job, most of you are spending the majority of your time in any given week living your life FIRST according to what you think someone outside of you is going to think of your behavior. Of course you can’t yet trust your own intuition. You haven’t been taught about and thus haven’t practiced following the amazing, inner guidance that is within you. Ridiculous (because employers actually believe this process motivates & brings out the best of their employees) evaluation systems that have you comparing yourself to others and forgetting the all important notion of relativity.
Some of you out there may still have dreams. But I would wager, that most of you have given up on those wild, awesome, innovative, creative, world-changing dreams that you held when you were younger. Well, it is time to re-ignite those because they are right there waiting for you to make them come true. But it all begins with the BELIEF that you can make them come true. It will take some time, personal work and practice, but you can do it…you can make it so that some day in the very near future, to your core, you actually believe that you can make your dreams come true. And once that belief is fully there – for anything – once you click into it at a 100%, the universe then works its magic and like a miracle…your dreams – big and small – begin to manifest as your reality.
I am not out to convince anyone of anything – not at all. The only thing I am aiming to do is to apply my energy – and not just the high level of it, but my complete energy that I’ve been told my entire life by MANY inspires, invigorates, excites, and motivates others. I want to guide others back to themselves – their essences – their callings – their uniqueness – that within them that is GREATER than the individual.
More than anything in the world, I value people. And all I’ve ever wanted to do was to help others get even a baby step closer to their full potential. Inherently, I’ve always known that we hadn’t even touched the tip of the iceberg of our human capabilities & that I had something within me that was going to be able to rectify this situation. Well, it has taken 36 years, but my time to shine has finally arrived. This is my unique role on the planet right now and there is no way I am missing this opportunity. I’ve been preparing & training for this my entire life and I am 100% ready!
Stay tuned…you definitely don’t want to miss the upcoming postings!
Learn MoreUp until age 35, I held the belief that money was the absolute root of all evil in our world. Simultaneously, I believed that money – and ample sums of it – was essential to change the world on a large scale, which is all I’ve ever dreamed of doing. Wanna talk about sending out mixed messages? How in the heck was I ever going to obtain these large sums of money to change things when at my core I still believed it was evil? The short answer? I wasn’t.
I had to lose the chip on my shoulder regarding money that I had held for so many years. The pissed off attitude that I didn’t have it but felt I deserved it. I not only deserved it based on all the “regular” qualifications – education, intellect, work ethic, responsibility, etc – but I believed I was entitled to something for all the pain of my past. I had survived so much that was a result of my childhood – a time that was not in my control. I had faced so much darkness and made it through & I believed that mattered…a lot.
This is why I became so upset when I first began to write about money and economics a month ago. Because that topic triggers my old story immediately. It makes me think of all those who have and all the many more who don’t. And that makes me think of how much all those who “have” are unaware of because statistically speaking, most of the haves come from a life of “having” and most of the have-nots have every obstacle in the world in the road in front of them making it extra difficult to ever become one that “has”.
I know how substantial the emotional obstacles were in my road. And I know very well the millions & millions in our country who have not only emotional obstacles but very real, much more powerfully negative, practical obstacles – like barely having their basic needs met. Like receiving educations that are so horrendous that they are only further set up to be taken advantage of with limited abilities of comprehension & logical thinking – and NOT because they aren’t capable of learning but because the lack of resources going towards these efforts is so substantial. I’ve never been able to comprehend or accept how many millions aren’t even given a statistical shot at reaching anywhere their potential nor that our country seems to have agreed to continue this massive waste of resources in our people.
And quite honestly, what was triggered was much more personal. I selfishly thought of myself and the lack of material wealth I possess. For that matter, the lack of material wealth that anyone in my immediate family possesses. Up until 2 years ago, it never made sense to me. We were such good people. Emotionally dysfunctional to be sure, and crazy amounts of sadness and drama but I never, ever doubted the goodness of my family – EVER! My family is amazing. SUPER hard-working. SUPER honest. SUPER intelligent. SUPER talented. How in the hell could it be that all 5 of us together had so little to show for all of it? How? We deserved more. The difference that we could make on a large-scale with our enormous bleeding hearts, our work ethic, and our intellect surely warranted more than what we had. How is it possible that things would work out this way? Not only did we not have money, but there still remained a great deal of happiness to be had too. Ahhh…therein lies the answer and the guiding secret to this new Game…happiness.
If you’ve been reading my blog regularly, you know that as a result of a 10-month, self-imposed healing time in MI 2 years ago, my perspective on almost every belief I had was changed. I’ve always known & believed that money was not the be-all, end-all, but by 35, I was tired of not having any. I was tired of trying to fit into an economic system that was so obviously lacking due to its ignoring of so many values held by so many people – namely, me! And rather than EVER consider that the system was what was screwing me up, I did what my habitual patterns from an emotionally dysfunctional childhood trained me to – I shouldered all the responsibility for this lack of being able to fit in. I judged myself & beat myself up, which only worsened everything. Little did I know that I was indeed responsible…but not at ALL in the way our present paradigm was making me feel responsible.
Money does not solve anything to do with your spirituality – your essence – your soul. You cannot purchase happiness, which I now link directly to my spirituality. You can spend money to aid you on your journey – on books, seminars, therapists, etc – but no amount of money will help you directly find your soul. You will know when you have located this inner self when you are no longer attached to any of the limiting belief systems of our present world. And once you reconnect with your inner self…that which is greater than us all and binds us all together…the result is nothing but happiness.
I was missing happiness. I was focusing on only the absence of all I wanted and desired without any awareness that in doing so I only perpetuated the continued lack of my desires. I was still seeking validation for my childhood pain and in doing so I was keeping alive all of the sad drama of that childhood. Every single thought going through my mind was one focused on something negative, including all of my beliefs about money.
Well, what if I told you that in the new Game material wealth followed automatically when your first concern was your own personal spiritual wealth? NOT religion – you can possess spirituality without following or adhering to the customs of any one religion. And I am not at all against religion. I am however, against the ridiculous, INSANE amounts of hypocrisy surrounding religion in our world in 2013. Religion, due to the influence of humans, has veered way off course regarding the ancient “truths” they claim to illustrate. I don’t care which teacher you follow – Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Buddha, Brahman, Lao-Tzu, or the Earth itself – they are all communicating the same thing. And if we stop judging one another for long enough and cease the belief that everyone has to look at the world in the same exact way as us, we would see this glaringly apparent fact!
At the end of 2010, I dove into my spirituality head first. I read EVERYTHING I could. I was so ready for a new approach that I allowed my mind to be open to it ALL…EVERY single wacky, hippie-dippie, airy-fairy, New Age, old school, radical, orthodox, conservative, approach to trying to explain why the hell we are here on this planet. And as I wrote in Whoa! Hold The Horses! Part 2, “What I discovered was that the new approach of changing beliefs resulted in new perspectives, which led to new thoughts, which led to new behaviors, which led to new outcomes. And BAM! I was living the life of my dreams and it has continued to progress as such every single day since.”
Every spiritual book I read said the same thing to me and it energized me like nothing else. Something in each interpretation resonated as “true” to me – at a instinctual, gut level. It just made sense. I had all the power! I couldn’t believe it! I was responsible for every single thing in my life – good & bad – via my beliefs, thoughts, and focus. There was no going back. While I wasn’t yet fully conscious of tracking the process as I have been since May of 2011, I was definitely embracing my past like never before. I was eternally grateful for ALL of it. I finally understood that every single thing happens for a reason and that had my past not been exactly as it was, I wouldn’t be the exact person I am today. It was incredible and seriously one of the most beautiful realizations of my life. The dark was almost instantly lifted. However, I still had some pretty nasty, very old belief patterns to overcome. And I had quite a few that still needed to be identified. This was not going to change overnight.
These were going to be no easy patterns to 1) see in myself for no one else can know my deepest thought patterns; 2) to accept what I see; 3) By accepting, I must then admit that I truly am in control of my own life because NO ONE can control my THOUGHTS/BELIEFS but me!! 4) To begin to figure out how to change these unwanted, no-longer-serving-me-well beliefs.
This process would end up being the most challenging time of my life. Yet, it was without a doubt, the most amazing living I had ever done. I was living in my present for the very first time. I was no longer bogged down by my past nor was I worried about my future. I was living entirely in the now!! I recognized I had all the power & influence I needed within myself. It wasn’t an easy road, but it was & continues to be extremely empowering. And I’m telling you (soon, showing you too)…you cannot even begin to imagine how much our human potential is being held back by the very limiting beliefs of this old-paradigm game.
It is time to play a new Game!! You can begin playing right now – from exactly where you are. ‘How?’, you may ask? By simply opening your mind. OPEN YOUR MIND! It is time to open your mind and to stop judging & blaming anything & everything outside of you. This is the greatest Game on Earth – I am sure of it!! I’m also pretty sure that right now, despite only being in my second year of playing, that I am the Michael Jordan of this Game. Keep reading because you will VERY soon see why. This is it! This is the week it all comes out! Get ready to play!!
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