Movies!!!! I grew up living vicariously through EVERY movie I saw. I love film! One of my dreams was always to act and work in some capacity in the film industry. To my adolescent self, it represented the greatest of all artistic creations in one – writing, acting, music, scenery, directing, and overall storytelling production. Coming from my team-focused, athletic background, I saw filmmaking as the ultimate team job in the “real” world.
Film took a slight back seat once I was introduced to live musicals, but the biggest draw to both is the same. Everyone knowing their exact role in the production/process and in most cases, LOVING their exact role. And therein lies the real gift…assembling & managing a team where you get the best of everyone for the greater good of the overall production. Once “auditions” are completed, there is no competition. At least, for the BEST productions with the BEST leaders, there is only cooperation to attain the highest potential for the group as a whole. Just like in athletics…an arena I know well.
The films listed below represent only a very short list of all my many, many favorites. I tried to remain with the same theme – those that most affected me on my journey. (I will stop after the first 30 that come to mind.) It is likely that I will reference these and other films in many of my podcasts/videos. Make a list of your own and see what it reveals, if anything, about you to yourself.
Films with release dates listed are identified as Alyson’s top 5 most influential films on her journey thus far.
While I do not own a TV, I am a huge fan of what I call “good” TV. Of course, “good” is entirely subjective. Know that my list below is very personal; yours will be too. Don’t judge it, just allow yourself to list & examine what you find you have enjoyed the most as an adult. During my healing time in MI, I read more books (60+), & watched more films & TV (via Hulu & Netflix) than I could have believed was possible. Lots of years to make up for, to be sure, but this was more than that. There were no coincidences in terms of to what (& how much) I found myself gravitating.
In retrospect, it was uncanny the timeliness of my watching (or re-watching) of some of the programs below. I am entirely serious when I say that my healing was very much aided by every single thing I watched & read. Further talks are forthcoming on the first 5 programs listed here, for I believe they, in particular, are enormously influential on a level that I would bet, most don’t realize. Finally, it is also important to note that I continue to use film, TV, books, music, and other things surrounding us in the mainstream world in my work. Increasingly so, as I really begin to get into the flow of this next phase of all I am doing.
(identified as one of Alyson’s top 5 most influential TV programs on her journey)
The messages surround us everywhere, all day long, every day. You only need to open your mind then your eyes can’t help but see. And once you start seeing…all of your fears will subside, your heart will begin to heal, you will believe in having dreams again, you will experience more beauty than you can imagine right now, and your world around you will literally change right in front of your eyes.
The most beautiful aspect, I think, of lyrics is that while I am sure there is an intention that the songwriter has with her/his words, they never know how those words will be interpreted. Song interpretations, in my experience, are extremely personal. A song can elicit one feeling from one person and a completely different feeling from another based on each one’s associated memories. I find that fascinating.
In this ‘Mainstream Messages’ section of my site, I will begin by sharing songs whose lyrics express what I like to call, “It” – my own personal interpretation, of course. (I was calling it “It” before I learned of Ziggy Marley’s song, by the way.)
So, the next time you listen to one of these songs (and there are many, many more out there)…if you haven’t already…REALLY listen to the lyrics. And feel the expressions with the music. Only then can you begin to experience what music can do for your soul. Music can help you heal…on every level.