Visual Art
There are dozens of artists in my life at present located throughout the entire country. This reality prompted an idea of moving art via driving the country. The primary cities that we know would be involved if this had funding today would be: Seattle, Sarasota, Detroit, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and Asheville. We envision multiple drivers (people for whom cross-country driving is enjoyable) able to take different routes every trip with the same primary cities serving as start/end points. Ideally, there is a gallery of some sort located in each of the active primary cities. We envision this business being, among other things, a way for young artists to find early support for their work. Artists in even the most remote of areas could potentially move their work through us as our vehicles transverse the country. This is still a very raw idea.
There are at least 4 dancers in my life right now for whom I know dancing or something to do with dancing is their dream – immediate potential for partners in a joint project. Given that one of my own dream businesses is to have a dance gym, I know these ladies all will be crossing paths very soon. One of them choreographed & directed the flash mob video featured on this page. Should funding become available, Niti is the first of these four with whom I would meet about developing a project.
There are at least 8 musicians in my life right now (not already present in Sarasota) for whom I know making music is a dream. We have the ability right now to record music at Prema and I have another new friend who just started his own label. With not much funding needed at all, we could begin almost immediately to literally give individuals a chance of a lifetime with the opportunity to record their own music.