Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!!

Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone!!

Wow!  I cannot believe we are on the brink of beginning yet another calendar year.  As eager as I am to return to the “regularly-scheduled” blog posts, I have realized that I absolutely needed to relax & reflect these final days of 2012.  To say this has been the “biggest” year of my life would be a drastic understatement.  And knowing what I know, 2013 will most definitely be the most jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, love-filled, world-changing year yet!  I’d be remiss if I didn’t take pause to acknowledge this transition of time.

fireworkMy first back-and-forth trip as a bi-coastal resident was certainly an experience for which I couldn’t have prepared.  It is truly amazing how with just focus on where I am – specifically, on all the positive of wherever I am – my soul can be completely at home in two, drastically different cities.  I learned, however, that I need to allow at least 2-3 days to adjust that focus.  It’s actually humorous the extent of the differences that exist between my two home cities of Sarasota, FL and Seattle, WA.  Yet another example in my life of how extreme everything has been and obviously, continues to be.

2012 has been the most challenging, amazing year of my life thus far.  It all began one year ago with 4, incredible, new Seattle friends.  In hindsight, the evening certainly set the tone for one heck of a year of growth.  When I wrote my new year’s resolutions that night, in no way could I have prepared for how they would end up manifesting.  The power of all that happened in my world this past year will continue to reveal itself to me well into 2013.  Today, I reflect on the past 12 months and feel nothing but appreciation & gratitude for all of its intensity & beauty.  The timeliness of all the lessons of the year humble me and remind me again of what opportunities lie in my path if I maintain the courage to follow through.

Today, 365 days later and 3200 miles across the country, I will be celebrating with another small group of friends.  Friends without whom I would not be where I am at present.  Friends that are hugely integral in what will become of this adventure during the next 6 months.  We are commemorating the occasion here at the beautiful home in which I have the privilege to live.  All of the unbelievable things that are going to take place in 2013 will most certainly be able to be traced back to the tone we set here tonight.  The music, the art, the friendships, the vision, and most importantly…the energy.  It is all about the energy.

Tomorrow…the “official” jump ball goes up for the greatest game of my life.  As with every game I’ve ever played in, while knowing I am excited and ready, I’m also completely nauseous.  I wouldn’t have it any other way as I am quite familiar with this situation & these associated emotions.  I just need to continue to breathe, positively focus, and enter my zone.  My stomach will settle, I’ll find my rhythm, and very little will disturb the flow of my game.

I wish everyone a safe, enjoyable, relaxing conclusion to the holiday season.  2013 brings with it unprecedented opportunities for expansion & growth if you so choose.  We are truly living in times when anything is possible so aim high with your resolutions, your hopes, and your dreams for the upcoming year.  Set the bar higher for yourself than you have in recent years.  Push yourself in 2013 in ways you’ve never pushed yourself before.  Allow yourself the space to see how powerful you really are in this world.  Rest assured…as a society, we have everything we need right now to change things drastically for the better.  All it requires is a willingness to see things anew & to grow accordingly.

Happy New Year and Game On!!
