November 30, 2012 represented the official launching of my little company, Alyson Irene Noune’, LLC. Unbelievable to me that already, today marks the beginning of year 6.
Only a few in my world know to what extent I NEVER imagined my journey bringing me back to living in FL full-time after I left in 2010. My immediate & absolute love of Seattle upon my arrival in 2011, combined with a job at Microsoft (that I loved) landing in my lap made it even more unlikely that any scenario could cause a return to the east coast.
However, if I have learned anything in the past eight years, it is the following: change is constant & inevitable; trying to control the world outside of myself is futile & wildly inefficient; and, that the unplanned things in life are often THE most exciting, life-expanding, exhilarating experiences, providing the greatest opportunities to grow & shine one’s Light. Even if it meant a move back to FL, I had no choice but to follow a massive, unplanned, energetic pull back here in the late summer of 2012.
This segment of my journey has been more consciously lived and co-created than ever before. It has required more courage, perseverance, patience, and growth than I imagined I had the capacity to demonstrate. It has humbled me and brought me to my knees numerous times as I continue to battle my patterns of control, over-analyzing, over-thinking. over-criticizing & over-communicating. But the end of another Act in this play is fast approaching. And as with every end, there is an associated new beginning.
Or is it just a constant flow of ever-increasing awareness and expansion that has no real beginning or end?
In any case, a transitional point for sure is at hand. Where I place focus and how I choose to integrate, adjust, and align will very much determine what becomes of 2019. Continuing to understand, learn, and evolve with these deep, multi-layered feelings & experiences and navigating my way through the ‘Seeing is Believing’ world with this newfound knowledge of the greater Truth … that in ‘reality’, Believing is Seeing.
Included below … the original post announcing, to the Universe, my vision and dream.