Year 6 of AIN, LLC Commences

Year 6 of AIN, LLC Commences

November 30, 2012 represented the official launching of my little company, Alyson Irene Noune’, LLC.  Unbelievable to me that already, today marks the beginning of year 6.

Only a few in my world know to what extent I NEVER imagined my journey bringing me back to living in FL full-time after I left in 2010. My immediate & absolute love of Seattle upon my arrival in 2011, combined with a job at Microsoft (that I loved) landing in my lap made it even more unlikely that any scenario could cause a return to the east coast.

However, if I have learned anything in the past eight years, it is the following:  change is constant & inevitable; trying to control the world outside of myself is futile & wildly inefficient; and, that the unplanned things in life are often THE most exciting, life-expanding, exhilarating experiences, providing the greatest opportunities to grow & shine one’s Light. Even if it meant a move back to FL, I had no choice but to follow a massive, unplanned, energetic pull back here in the late summer of 2012.

I believed I had a story to share 7 1/2 years ago, after the miraculous personal transformation that took place during my ‘Healing Year’ in Michigan from July 2010 – April 2011. What I have to share now goes way beyond a story. This is an honoring of the past; it is a celebration of the present; and it is a visualization for the future.  It is the remembering of the greater intention with which we all came here to live in this life; the waking up from a dream in order to more consciously live a life. It is a real-life example of one woman transcending the paradigm of fear and learning to live in the paradigm of love. 

This segment of my journey has been more consciously lived and co-created than ever before. It has required more courage, perseverance, patience, and growth than I imagined I had the capacity to demonstrate. It has humbled me and brought me to my knees numerous times as I continue to battle my patterns of control, over-analyzing, over-thinking. over-criticizing & over-communicating. But the end of another Act in this play is fast approaching. And as with every end, there is an associated new beginning.

Or is it just a constant flow of ever-increasing awareness and expansion that has no real beginning or end?

In any case, a transitional point for sure is at hand.  Where I place focus and how I choose to integrate, adjust, and align will very much determine what becomes of 2019.  Continuing to understand, learn, and evolve with these deep, multi-layered feelings & experiences and navigating my way through the ‘Seeing is Believing’ world with this newfound knowledge of the greater Truth … that in ‘reality’, Believing is Seeing.


Included below … the original post announcing, to the Universe, my vision and dream.

The Vision