First ‘Book’/’Film’/Story of its Kind?

I have many book ideas.  Dozens & dozens.  Fiction.  Nonfiction.  Fantasy.  Science Fiction.  Personal Historical Fiction (my made-up genre).  Adult books.  Young adult books.  Children’s books.  Stories about ‘regular’ folks.  And stories about the ones who are able to find the superhero within us all.  I have enough material from which to create to last me 30 lifetimes.  And I am only just beginning to live…at almost 38 years old.

I have close to 3 books already written – in accordance, of course, with my on-the-fringe take on the power of Now, my extreme perspectives on value and potential, and the importance of timing when it comes to creating and sharing art and/or a story/message.  I most certainly dream of having actual printed copies of my books in the near future.  At present, I believe I am much closer than I think I even realize to being able to have a book published via the electronic options.  Then…four nights ago…a realization coupled with an intuition bombarded my exhausted self after a very intense weekend.

I do believe I have at least one, if not many more, ‘books’/’films’/story collections completed right now.  I believe, with many things, we are wasting valuable time and energy on making them APPEAR different than what they are.  That is all marketing is and it has gotten so far out of control that VERY little you see – in ANY sort of advertising – at all represents the ‘real’ we all most identify.  It is never real.  Reality TV is not even real.  Most have lost touch with what ‘real’ means.


I’m not going to allow myself to philosophize on that topic in this post.  I am simply aware of an opportunity, of which I believe I am meant to take full advantage.  When I read Eckhart Tolle’s, ‘The Power of Now’, I took it 100% to heart.  When I learned of the universal FACT that we all are creating each of our own individual realities and together, our ‘world’, I took it 100% to heart.  When I felt the Truth of something I’ve always believed – that there is meaning to EVERYTHING and that EVERYTHING is connected – at an unprecedented level and to an extent that was absolutely undeniable…I took it 100% to heart.

I have made my work 100% about living as much in the Now as possible.  I do believe the results of this experiment are only beginning to come together to demonstrate what ridiculous power we have to create ANYTHING we desire for our lives and our world.  This experiment has been my life since approximately November 18, 2010.  It is absolutely time to share.  And my first ‘publication’ is going to be what I intend to be the first of its kind.

A story that was created 100% in the Now – whenever that Now was (in this case, within the past 12 months and including the present).  A story that allows any viewer to witness the evolution of one woman on her very conscious spiritual journey.  A story of a girl finding her way back to love.  All the way back to deep within.  A journey to self-love, a discovery of divine feminine power, an answer to a lifelong calling, and a challenge unlike any other in her extremely accomplished life.

From now until the end of this calendar year, I will be assembling into Playlists (Chapters) the various stories representing these magnificent past 15 months.  The only ‘editing’ done is the combining of all my work – written blog posts, audio podcasts, speaking videos, and music videos.  Every video was recorded with ZERO planning or rehearsal.  They are all 100% live when recorded – 100% unedited – and as such, fully representative of my energy exactly as it was on that day.

There are many intentions I have with the sharing of both the stories and the process.  I will likely explain as these next weeks pass.  We shall see.