A New Approach

I will be posting Part 2 of “Finances & Economic Value” soon, but I think it is time for the first blog post (perhaps more than 1) that doesn’t take 8-10 hours to compose and edit.  I love writing but it takes me a great deal of time to organize my thoughts & words as I desire in order to convey to my audience whatever it is I’m trying to communicate.

Spider WebMy thoughts are like a massive web.  Until I began to meditate 2 years ago, my mind NEVER stopped while I was awake!  Thinking was a natural, coping mechanism.  I didn’t consciously say, ‘I’d like to think a lot in order to make sense of my world.’  It just happened.  As a consequence of the ideas crossing over, going back and forth, and mating with one another, my web is very strong.  To this day, if I’m not meditating (which I still don’t do nearly as often as I should) I still think ALL the time about EVERYTHING in ways, that will soon be revealed, unlike many others.  The web is still being constructed.  Believe me when I tell you that I will be explaining and connecting each and every idea and story because it all connects in one way or another.

However, in order to convey this beautiful, interconnected complexity that surrounds us in the world, it needs to be explained “simply” and logically.  It needs to be built – slowly and purposefully.  I read and re-read every single word knowing that an entry weeks down the line will connect with at least one or two thoughts expressed in today’s post.  And guess what?  I’ve never before built this pyramid of ideas that I am beginning to unveil.  I don’t claim to be any expert.  I don’t claim to be better than anyone – no way!  But I am viewing this world in which we are living in a very, very, VERY different way.  I’m Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society, standing on my desk.  And all I am ultimately doing is trying to inspire others to take some new, different perspectives on things in their own lives and watch how the world around them changes.

If you are afraid of heights, don’t stand on the desk, go underneath it.  Either way – I guarantee you that when you change perspectives your mind will be blown.  Especially if you are willing & able to do this in as many areas as possible in your life.  At first, it may be scary because it is brand new and thus unknown.  And we like our habits – even if they are destructive and unhealthy.  They are known so that somehow makes it the better choice.  If you can trust that you are most definitely strong enough to work through the unknown in order to make it across to the known, the rewards are indescribable.

The possibilities of your life, the beauty, the love, the opportunities to create a different world…that ALL lies on the other side.  And it ALL comes from understanding, compassion, trust, happiness, appreciation, and love.   So, I do not take my work lightly.  We are living in times where there are such unbelievable, horrific, atrocities being committed to humans by humans, that many have lost hope for our world.  If there was ever a time when we needed new perspectives, it is now, folks.

Our society is absolutely, positively, completely out of balance in terms of what we value and to what we give attention.  Society, however,  is made up of US – all of us individuals.  If you want it to change – you MUST begin and focus on your own life – that is the only way it works.  Watching the news (which, by the way, is controlled & not nearly representing how much beauty there is in the world) and taking in all the horrible, negative, things that sell the best… I can guarantee you that isn’t the way to change things.  Giving it more attention only helps to perpetuate it.  And going back to your same-old, same old – not seeking out opportunities to see things from a different viewpoint?  That isn’t going to change a thing either.  You MUST begin with you.  And every single one of us out there has multiple areas in our life where we could do this – right now.  How?  By opening your mind.

Milky Way Over Quiver Tree Forest

It begins with simply opening your mind to a viewpoint unlike your own.  My words come from my experiences.  And my experiences  are pretty vast and in the past 18 months, very much in the minority out in our world.  I guarantee you I have some viewpoints different than yours.  My words are intended to do nothing but either 1)give you a new perspective on something and/or 2)to comfort you in the fact that you are most definitely not alone when feeling certain ways or thinking certain things.  I will be the one who expresses that which many are just too fearful (for many reasons) to say aloud.  We are here to share experiences in order to learn and grow in order to create better.  We will not eliminate the horrific actions by talking more about them & giving them more focus in the same ways as we have always done.  We must change our approach.  And I have some ideas.

These suggestions come from the only place anything within us comes…from our own life journeys.  It all begins with the relationship that you have with you.  That is all you can control.  You can not control your spouse, your partner, your parents, your siblings, your friends, or your kids.  You can only control the perspective you choose to take on something, the object of your focus, and the thoughts that result.  And EVERYTHING comes back to your thoughts.

Less than 2 years ago, I was so unfilled in my life and I now realize that it was due to what I was giving focus.  I was focused on everything that I wanted and desired but didn’t have.  I was focused on the absence of my desires.  And underlying all of these thoughts, I now know was the belief at my core that I was unworthy of my dreams and desires.  I spent so much time comparing myself to others and living my life to please others that of course I wasn’t connected to myself.  I didn’t know me and thus didn’t accept or love me.  I was perpetuating my own drama without having any awareness of this fact.

When I began to open my mind to finally trying a new approach my entire world transformed.  When I learned that we do create our own realities via our thoughts, everything was thrown upside down in my mind.  EVERYTHING had to be reconsidered.  I learned that I controlled it – and now that I knew this to be a universal truth – applicable to us all – there was no way I was choosing to remain unhappy any longer.  But in order to make this transition – in order to learn how to have different thoughts and beliefs, I had to rewire my brain in pretty much every way possible.

My journey over the past 24 months has resulted in a shift that one can only understand if they have been through it.  I can say now that at my core, what is driving me is 100% love & acceptance of myself – right now, today, of who I am.  Not who I will be once I achieve this or earn that or lose that weight or buy that.  Right now.  To go from a core belief of 95% hating yourself to 100% loving yourself in such a short period of time is quite likely to result in a whirlwind of life experiences – MANY, if not all, being lived and felt for the first time.  Should you choose to undertake any adjustment of a belief pattern of yours, you will soon see what I mean.

I don’t think it is a stretch to say that a very large portion of the American population is in a similar place that I was in 2 short years ago – not at all knowing how to break free from all the craziness and lack of love & acceptance within.  How I made this transition is only relevant and important to you if you identify with anything I say.  If you are presently in a place that makes you more unhappy than happy, I’ve been there.  If you have a desire to be happier, I believe you will pull at least one thing from the thousands of things I will be sharing that will benefit you in achieving this desire.  I am not doing any of this to convince anyone of anything.  I am putting energy out there (right now, with my words more than anything) that will attract those who are ready.  And for those folks, the sharing is essential & necessary.

I know by sharing I will be aiding a large number of people.  However, this is now a sharing with a purpose unlike any of the sharing I’ve done up until this point.  It is quite different and it is the unknown becoming the known.  As such, I am learning as I go and I discovered last night that I very much need some posts right now where I just let myself go without making it an ‘A’ paper.  If it appears to be a bit unorganized…if it doesn’t all make sense…if it bounces around…I don’t care.  I NEED a few of those posts right now so that it what is coming today.

Happy reading.